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Engine Guards on a '03 F650CS


New member
Has anyone put engine guards on their F650? I'm thinking about it as a means to give the sides some protection should I set the bike down. I don't want to add luggage so there are few options that I know of to protect the bike. I laid it down once, gently, and bent the shifter, so I'm just trying to come up with something that should that happen again I don't bust something.

Your input is appreciated. This is what I'm thinking...Hepco Engine Guard. Any advice on doing this? Is it worth it?



  • hepco_f650cs_engineguard.jpg
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Go ahead and put the crash bars on. There are no problems with that.

I would check Flea Bay. New crash bars for the CS seem to show up fairly regularly.
Go ahead and put the crash bars on. There are no problems with that.

I would check Flea Bay. New crash bars for the CS seem to show up fairly regularly.

Ebay is exactly what I did. Can't beat half off the original price and if it helps, all the better.
