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Down or Synthetic Sleeping Bags


SF Bay Area
There are pluses and minuses to both down and synthetic filled sleeping bags. Having gotten caught in downpour last year in Oregon and my down sleeping bag got damp. I’m wondering if it makes sense to get a synthetic. For those who do a lot of camping, what are your thoughts?
I thought Moto Camp Nerd (MOA supporter at rallies and a discount code for members) has some great articles on gear and their blog about it sums up the differences nicely - https://motocampnerd.com/blogs/fire...ng-bag-for-your-motorcycle-camping-adventures

There are now water-resistant down bags

All of my bags are DownTek and I just bought one of these for an upcoming trip - https://www.rei.com/product/240917/big-agnes-torchlight-20-sleeping-bag-mens

It's $197 on Big Agnes' all sales final outlet - https://www.bigagnes.com/collections/gear-outlet/products/torchlight-20 so sub $200 water resistant down bag...pretty good.
In my opinion down is king. My 15+ year old bag is still doing excellent duty. What I like is how they breath, I don't know if the new water resistant ones negate that?
If you're not limited by weight (IE, backpacking), I'd never choose down. The huge advantage of down is the amount of warmth per oz of insulation. There are a lot of disadvantages, it doesn't work wet (removes almost all it's R value), it doesn't bounce back all that well (you should always store it "open"), some people are allergic to it and it costs more.

The only reason to own down, IMHO, is because you're humping it on your back far enough that 1-2lbs matters. One advantage for a motorcycle, a down bag typically does stuff down a little tighter than a synthetic, I guess if you're super space limited, that could push you that way.

I own a few down bags today. In fact, all my bags are down, but that's because I only use them when I'm carrying them. If I was car or motorcycle camping, I'd buy a synthetic.
it doesn't bounce back all that well (you should always store it "open")
I agree that a down bag should be stored open. My down sleeping bad is fourteen years old and is washed after every trip. When placed in the dryer, I add six or more tennis balls and it has always bounced back.
If only for motocamping, and you can afford the extra weight - save the money it takes to get "waterproofed" down that is all the rage with the ultralight backpackers and go synthetic. WIth a little care, it will last longer and there won't be some poor Chinese goose wondering what happened to his underwear.

(Of course, I travel with down quilts from enlightened equipment (Minnesota-made) or a 50 y old SIerra Designs down bag system...., so take my opinion for what it's worth. Can't beat the weight and compressibility of down when storage space is limited and you want to keep the weight down. )
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Check out Zenbivy.. I have the 25 degree and LOVE IT. It's a quilt system. Super light and packs down to the size of a water bottle. I have down.