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Canada COVID border restrictions lifted

As of Oct 1st, all Canadian Covid border restrictions or requirements will be lifted.


Although filling out the CanApp was bit of an annoyance the first time filling out the required information for its’ setup, after that it was quick and simple to use. It even made crossing the border into Canada faster than usual and I used it several times since May.

It also had another plus for me. On one of my departures, I grabbed my wife’s passport and somehow managed to be allowed into the US. On my return, getting back into Canada was made easy because of the App because I had the barcode sent to me when I indicated that I planned on leaving Canada. This information on my phone had my vaccination status and my passport number. The border official scanned it and I was good to enter.

:gerg Or is it possible that customs officials at both borders simply realized I was just an old fart who they pitied? :gerg: :D:D
The one thing NOT mentioned is the random testing at border crossings. I was handed a test kit crossing from NY into Ontario and again crossing back into Ontario from Michigan. Both times I was able to talk my way out of the test since I was simply crossing Ontario, not visiting Canada. Canada seems to have no firm policy for day-trippers.
Never had a random test and even got away with forgetting my ArriveCan the last time I rode across from VT into PQ a couple of weeks ago. Easy peasy.
Reports are that this APP helps with the US/Canada crossing-



That BS money laudering program has been canned some months ago.

You know what Covid and the ArriveCAN app reminds me of? Y2K, WMD and similar scenarios. Put the fear into people. I never bought into it. The government and the media continued to use the word "pandemic". Look it up in the dictionary; we never had a "pandemic".
That BS money laudering program has been canned some months ago.

You know what Covid and the ArriveCAN app reminds me of? Y2K, WMD and similar scenarios. Put the fear into people. I never bought into it. The government and the media continued to use the word "pandemic". Look it up in the dictionary; we never had a "pandemic".

Guess it wouldn’t work for you? :hungover
Guess it wouldn’t work for you? :hungover

Don't know what you mean by "it wouldn't work for you".

BTW, I had the ArriveCan App because I had some packages I needed to pick up in the US. But no choice in the matter when you have a dictator running this country.
Reports are that this APP helps with the US/Canada crossing-



The app is still available to use, but not mandatory. It just serves as a pre-entry customs questionnaire now from what I understand. Supposed to make the entry quicker if you use it, but I'm skeptical of those claims.

Nope, I crossed over in November and I was not asked for any vaccine records.

It's required of all non-citizens, so you get a pass if you're from the US. As a Canadian, I still have to show it if they ask which has been hit or miss from my experience at land crossings.
The app is still available to use, but not mandatory. It just serves as a pre-entry customs questionnaire now from what I understand. Supposed to make the entry quicker if you use it, but I'm skeptical of those claims.

You are right to be skeptical. If the government runs it and that applies to any level of government from the feds right down to the city, nothing can be run as inefficiently. Little wonder I left those clowns with a huge hit on my pension. I am allergic to BS.
The app is still available to use, but not mandatory. It just serves as a pre-entry customs questionnaire now from what I understand. Supposed to make the entry quicker if you use it, but I'm skeptical of those claims.

It's required of all non-citizens, so you get a pass if you're from the US. As a Canadian, I still have to show it if they ask which has been hit or miss from my experience at land crossings.

I spoke about it with Canadian border agents, the app just made their work simpler and quicker. Otherwise they had to ask to see your proof of vaccination and a bunch of other health related questions.

On the US side, in all the crossing I did, I was asked once, recently, if I was vaccinated but the border agent didn't ask for proof. They just waved us through, have a nice ride...

The vaccination requirements were in place to show that the politicians were doing something, even if that something came weeks after the infections were already present in the country. Basically, they were slow to react and slow to realize that it served no purpose anymore.