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Big thanks!


New member
Hey Guys,

I just wanted to take the opportunity to say thanks, this was my first rally, and being over form Ireland with my bike, everyone was really cool, and welcoming. Hopefully i will be back again at some stage, but really, big shout out to my Homies Statdawg, Redrider, Motard, and not forgetting Emily, Chris and My! See you guys again on the road,

oh and if you are interested keep abrest of my trip on http://dublin-ushuaia-trip.blogspot.com

Rock on, Kev. It was great meeting you. Rolling in with Statdawg and Motard made a huge impression on the crowd. :laugh

Have a great time out in Colorado and keep posting! I'll see you back in Dublin ;)
Hey Guys,

oh and if you are interested keep abrest of my trip on http://dublin-ushuaia-trip.blogspot.com


What is your plan for crossing Central America? It looks like you are taking a boat from Honduras to Venezuela, by the look of your route map.

I wonder how you made boat arrangements, and how you will handle visa and bike title problems on arrival in Venezuela?

Is there a section of your blog that describes these interesting details?

Rock on, Kev. It was great meeting you. Rolling in with Statdawg and Motard made a huge impression on the crowd. :laugh

Have a great time out in Colorado and keep posting! I'll see you back in Dublin ;)

Impression ?? Kev left scratching his head over the groups fixation on inflatable dolls and sheep.

Kev was just observing the nearby party festivities. ::dance

Kidding aside(the Irish do know the meaning of a good party), Kev linked up with a number of like aged riders at the rally. Truly fine young members, The future MOA will be in good hands. I believe Stat has a photo of the group, maybe he can be induced to post it.

Good luck, Kevin

Irish Pubs

Since you've left town Hurley's business was way down.:drink :D ..Great riding with you and if you perchance are back this way ,we always have an extra room.
Ride safely