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Anybody planning a trip to Alaska this summer 2023?


New member
I have trying to make the trip the last couple years but the Nazis have closed the Canadian border. It seems to be open again this summer and I hope to make the trip.

I would like to ride along with a couple others that are heading up through Fairbanks, maybe Prudhoe Bay, and Anchorage. Please touch base if there is anyone going this year - 2023.
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I have trying to make the trip the last couple years but the Nazis have closed the Canadian boarder. It seems to be open again this summer


The Canadian border has been open since at least last July.
But he was referring to some "Canadian boarder", not the border. In any event thr border remained closed longer for those who chose not to have a couple jabs. Not sure what that had to do with some Germans of the past though.
But he was referring to some "Canadian boarder", not the border. In any event thr border remained closed longer for those who chose not to have a couple jabs. Not sure what that had to do with some Germans of the past though.

G- G- G- Germans, Fawlty? Bad eggs, all of 'em.
I have trying to make the trip the last couple years but the Nazis have closed the Canadian boarder. It seems to be open again this summer and I hope to make the trip.

I would like to ride along with a couple others that are heading up through Fairbanks, maybe Prudhoe Bay, and Anchorage. Please touch base if there is anyone going this year - 2023.

You’ll be a big hit at the border. Be sure to to express your thoughts on the closure to them. :thumb
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I have trying to make the trip the last couple years but the Nazis have closed the Canadian boarder. It seems to be open again this summer


The Canadian border has been open since at least last July.

The covid restrictions weren't lifted until October 1, 2022. Also, my plans were and still are to travel in June so July did not help. Thx anyway.
I have trying to make the trip the last couple years but the Nazis have closed the Canadian border. It seems to be open again this summer and I hope to make the trip.

I would like to ride along with a couple others that are heading up through Fairbanks, maybe Prudhoe Bay, and Anchorage. Please touch base if there is anyone going this year - 2023.

I’ll be headed in the same direction as you. I’ve inquired on ADVRider as well (same name over there too).

If you’re planning on departing around July/August- shoot me a message.