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ALPS - the highest and most famous passes are not necessarily the best...


Alps Adventurer
In my 26 years of riding the Alps from Slovenia to France and down to Corsica, the so-called highest and most famous passes are not necessarily the best and I have driven some 220+ different passes.

I spend a lot of time on YouTube looking up tech stuff for cars and motorcycles, when I come across a name that I have known for a long time, Hansjoergs Motorradreisen. If you speak German, you gotta love his dialect. He does have an M (Munich) on his plate, so maybe he was born in Bavaria.

I have driven all the notable passes from Martigny down to Nice including some of those at the beginning of his video, and it looks like I have another tour to do of the lesser but more interesting passes and roads. As if I would quit. :D

Definitely worth every minute of the 24 minute video...
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You have been one of my mentors, Alex. And your thread in your sig line link has been an invaluable planning resource. You really should consider taking over for Court Fisher and help rebuild his long-gone, but not forgotten Global Touring Reference. Perhaps you could lead a team of volunteers to bring this back to life? I would certainly help out.

While, as an entrepreneur I never got enough time off from my business to tour overseas, I sure did make plans to do so during retirement. This year, I will be heading over to ride in Norway, hitting Berlin on the way back to Heidelberg to experience Motorrad Days (and the MZ factory in Schopau... home of many vintage ISDT bikes!).

Adding to your "off the beaten path" observation, there is a whole lot more to Europe than the Alps. To that end, I've posted my "Lap of the Adriatic" video below here before, but you may not have seen it. Takes in a lot of not-your-usual countries and roads. And yet, there are so many more to explore.

For the past few years I've been doing a seminar at the National called "Riding on your own overseas"... focused mainly on Europe. This year, since I want to get to Norway before all the tourists, I have to miss the rally. Maybe you could ride down and do that seminar?

Just one more... and beyond the Alps, for anyone interested in the European road racing days of old, you just have to ride the Targa Florio in Sicily!

<iframe src="https://ridewithgps.com/embeds?type=route&id=42342774&sampleGraph=true" style="width: 1px; min-width: 100%; height: 1000px; border: none;" scrolling="no"></iframe>
You really should consider taking over for Court Fisher and help rebuild his long-gone, but not forgotten Global Touring Reference. Perhaps you could lead a team of volunteers to bring this back to life? I would certainly help out.

Adding to your "off the beaten path" observation, there is a whole lot more to Europe than the Alps. This year, since I want to get to Norway before all the tourists.

Just one more... and beyond the Alps, for anyone interested in the European road racing days of old, you just have to ride the Targa Florio in Sicily!

Ian, I have to leave that to you since you are far more involved in the BMW MOA than I am. I know Court from way back and the few emails going back and forth. Then of course the two BMW members in my local club that got me dreaming about how a guy on a very low budget/salary with an old R65 that I bought for Europe can do this...now going into my 27th year this summer. The only rider I have coming with me is my friend who has been on a few tours with me since 2010. It blew his mind away; now he knows why I keep going back. Also, the average North American (US & Canada) gets 2 weeks of vacation a year, which is why you see so many 10 day organized tours, and as you already know organized tours are simply not for me (motorcycling is about freedom for me) but I can understand the issues of some needing a tour guide.

Yes there is and even though they are in the Alps, there are roads there that few know about simply because they are not in a book: Mangart, Monte Zoncolan, Manghen, Kaiserjägerweg, Strada della Forra. Real jewels and there are plenty more.

I hope you get a fog-free day in Nordkapp. Also consider the Picos de Europa in Spain. I ran into a rider this past summer on the Furka Pass who lives there and got his email.

Since I am a double Porsche owner and into their history, I have read about Porsche's running in the Targa Florio in their early days. Those were the days of real racing.
I hope you get a fog-free day in Nordkapp. Also consider the Picos de Europa in Spain. I ran into a rider this past summer on the Furka Pass who lives there and got his email.

I spent 4 days in the Picos de Europa last year... however, did not shoot a bunch of video. Empty roads, full of twisties and wonderful people and places along the way. Stayed in a wonderful and affordable B&B called La Montaña Magica.

Also, I decided not to go to Nordkapp, spending more time in Lofoten and the more scenic points and roads to the south. I am not one to ride that has to the end of the road... (nor am I an organized tour type either, however like you, I definitely understand why people take them... )


ps -> on the Kaiserjägerweg! :thumb
