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Admore Light Bar Pro install on R1250RT


I just installed an Admore 11" Light Bar Pro on my 2020 R1250RT. I imagine installation would be similar for most recent model R1200RT's as well.
I mounted the light bar on the raised area below the license plate to provide a triangle affect with existing lights, but you can also mount just above or below the plate with the provided brackets.

1. Remove the mud flap and drill two holes that match the hole-spacing of the back of the ADM unit. Mount the unit with the provided screws. Drill a hole for the cable through to the rear wheel well roughly centered between the license plate screws.

2. Remove topcase, grip handles, rear rack, and cosmetic plastic plate.

3. Drill a hole up from inside the rear wheel well into the cavity behind the rear light cluster. Run your cable. When I finished I sealed with some silicone.

4. Unplug the taillight connector and the auxiliary power connector (left side near back of seat) and bring the combined wire forward. Carefully open the sheathing and expose approx 2" of the wires in the bundle.

5. Using the wiretap connectors attach the Admore wires as follows:
a. Connect the Red Power wire of the ADM to the thicker Red w/Black stripe Power wire of the AUX Connector.
b. Connect the Black Ground wire of the ADM to the thicker Brown Ground wire of the Aux connector.
c. Connect the Blue ADM Brake wire to the Gray w/Black stripe Brake wire
d. Connect the Blue ADM Right Turn wire to the Blue w/Black stripe Right Turn wire
e. Connect the Yellow ADM Left Turn wire to the Blue w/Red stripe Left Turn wire

Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 11.12.17 PM.png

6. Turn on your ignition and test the lights.

7. Tape exposed wires (if desired), reconnect Taillight and Aux connectors.

8. Reassemble racks and seats and enjoy your increased visibility.
Finding the Turn Signal Blue Wires

I just installed the Admore 8" light bar on my 2022 R1250RT. It seems that BMW in their wisdom has changed the wire routing in the tail. I could not find any connector which had the BLUE-RED and BLUE-BLACK turn signal wires. So I followed the wire bundle from the tail light assembly forward until I could strip off a length of the black tape. This exposed the GREY-BLACK brake lire as well as the two blue turn signal wires. I had already found a suitable +12V ignition wire and ground wire on the rear 12 volt output port; however, I believe that the +12V RED and ground BROWN wire are also available in the aforementioned wire bundle. See photos.20230428_141632.jpg20230428_141709.jpg
When I install my Admore 8" Pro I am going to power it from the battery (through a fuse of course). I don't want a switched source for the power so that th Admore will continue to work with the four-way flashers when the bike is powered down.
so helpful

Thank you for posting this was so helpful. I chose a slightly different approach. I took power and ground from the rear passenger power outlet which is a switched power source
Not sure what wire bundle to tap into


Is this the bundle you plug into? The plug that goes to the top box?

Sorry, I’m not a tech so I have no idea what I’m doing.

Your instructions are the best.