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  1. motodan

    Adding Admore brake light on ‘23 GS

    ‘23 R1250GS - where has anyone Posi-Tapped power wire for Admore brake light? Only dash port is for USB and left side by seat is a Powerlet DIN outlet that’s direct wired to battery. Need an ignition on power source…brake power lead won’t work on this application. Thanks
  2. motodan

    Wiring colors for R1250GS

    Adding Admore brake light to R1250GS. Can anyone tell me wiring color code for rear brake light and left/right turn signals? Happens to be a ‘23 model. Thanks
  3. zip50

    Admore Light Bar Pro install on R1250RT

    I just installed an Admore 11" Light Bar Pro on my 2020 R1250RT. I imagine installation would be similar for most recent model R1200RT's as well. I mounted the light bar on the raised area below the license plate to provide a triangle affect with existing lights, but you can also mount just...