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'96 R1100RT Turn Signal Relay


New member
Looking for assistance in locating/identifying an aftermarket Turn Signal relay that will work on my '96 R1100RT. Preliminary trouble shooting indicates it is likely the culprit in my turn signal failure to blink. BMW part number is 61-31-7-679-867. No longer available through BMW Shop.

Thanks for any help on this.
Are you sure it’s not available? Neither MaxBMW nor Bob’s BMW show it as NLA. It’s an expensive relay ($350+), mostly because much more than just turn signals is piped into/through it- it impacts the ABS system, for example. As a lower cost alternative folks used to install a Kisan Signal Minder relay at half the cost, but I have personally seen those relays fail and disable ABS on a bike, throwing symptoms that looked like a failed ABS pump or ABS electronics, all of which resolved immediately when a BMW relay was in$talled.

You might be able to find a known good used relay from one of the parters.


Edit: Kisan Signal Minder
A year ago the local dealership ordered the right handle bar assembly which fixed my turn signal issue. It took two or three weeks to arrive from Germany.
As above, they are still available from BMW
I have a tested used unit available, PM me if you are interested.
Looking for assistance in locating/identifying an aftermarket Turn Signal relay that will work on my '96 R1100RT. Preliminary trouble shooting indicates it is likely the culprit in my turn signal failure to blink. BMW part number is 61-31-7-679-867. No longer available through BMW Shop.

Thanks for any help on this.
If you ever intend to upgrade to LED turn signals, there is a great aftermarket option in the Kisan SignalMinder. Part code for our Oilheads is SM-5.

I've got one in my RT and it's a nice unit. Changes a couple things but keeps the turn signal from being on forever and allows perfect use of LED bulbs.