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'85 K100RS -- leave bottom fairing off for summer?


Hi all,

Just picked up a '85 K100RS this week and completed changing the oil for the first time moments ago. Quick question...how about leaving the bottom fairing off for summer?

I had a R100RS previously and I know several folks who would leave off their RS airhead's bottom fairing in the summer time.


'85 K100RS
'76 R90/6
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Hi all,

Just picked up a '85 K100RS this week and completed changing the oil for the first time moments ago. Quick question...how about leaving the bottom fairing off for summer?

I had a R100RS previously and I know several folks who would leave off their RS airhead's bottom fairing in the summer time.


'85 K100RS
'76 R90/6

They came without bottom fairings. I think in about '88 or so, the bottom fairing came out and folks installed them. I didn't notice much difference in the heat on me with or without it.
Actually I was thinking of the belly pan...lowers missing may well be cooler.
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Yesterday I removed the lowers from my '87 K100LT. I rode 260 miles today with the air temp reaching into the low 90s. My feet and calf area was definitely cooler, BUT. At speed under 60 mph the heat under the tank was sucked up by the low pressure area created by the windshield and seemed to settle on my chest and face. It was very uncomfortable. My upper body was really hotter than with the lowers on. The bike seemed more sensitive to cross winds, also.

All in all I believe the bike is more comfortable with the lowers on. These girls are hot. Why am I trying to cool down a hot girl?

Ralph Sims
Bottom Fairing

As a matter of personal taste, I think they look better without the bottom fairing.
I have a K100RS that I run with and without. I've never noticed a difference in rider cooling but then I live in Minnesota and to much heat is generally not a problem. Bruce
The '93 K1100RS we acquired last Fall is a convection oven on wheels- HOT!

Once the weather warmed up this Spring, I removed the fairing lower section to cool things off. I have since found a good alternative from the K11 Owner's Group:


This mod has dramatically reduced heat to my legs. So I painted the fairing lower at the very bottom (we live on a gravel road and have lots of stone chips already) with Krylon Fusion paint- good product- and have put it back on.
