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2023 Richmond VA: The 50th National MOA Rally

I thought I was the Rally Chair Committee...

The major prizes probably. All the other prizes were listed by ticket number and not name so I doubt a list exists.

Unusual, yet welcomed development there in VA.

I brought along Big Ag's high back camp chair.

Friday at the Rally, a buddy "finally" sold me a "spare" Kermit Chair he had won at a Charter Club Rally a few years back. With leg extensions!
I was indeed a happy camper.


Saturday afternoon I "finally" won a door prize. With no less than elaborate fanfare I was presented with... a beautiful Rocky Creek "Kalahari" luxury camp chair!

It looked like a Starbucks patio around my tent Sunday morning before packing up. And that wasn't easy.

Riding alongside some other riders using Sena mesh communications later in the day... someone asked who the chair-man was in my group.
Unusual, yet welcomed development there in VA.

I brought along Big Ag's high back camp chair.

Friday at the Rally, a buddy "finally" sold me a "spare" Kermit Chair he had won at a Charter Club Rally a few years back. With leg extensions!
I was indeed a happy camper.


Saturday afternoon I "finally" won a door prize. With no less than elaborate fanfare I was presented with... a beautiful Rocky Creek "Kalahari" luxury camp chair!

It looked like a Starbucks patio around my tent Sunday morning before packing up. And that wasn't easy.

Riding alongside some other riders using Sena mesh communications later in the day... someone asked who the chair-man was in my group.

"Chair-Man" I think you have a new nickname. :brow
Light vendor at Richmond from Utah

There was a light vendor at Richmond from Utah- he was there with wife and several young daughters- Clearwater quality with out the Clearwater prices. (Ostensibly).
Anyone know the name /company or where there is a list of vendors at the rally?