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2020 650 GT ground clearance


New member
My new C 650GT is on a ship coming from Germany and I need to know the ground clearance of it for trailering. Can't find it anywhere. Could someone please measure it for me?

Thank you
I did a little looking around and couldn’t find any spec on ground clearance. I have a feeling that it was a dimension that wasn’t thought of to be a real factor. Might be good to wait until you could see how yours actually works out.
Very nice looking. I hear they are a great way to motorcycle. Good luck with it. Post a picture when you take delivery.
My new C 650GT is on a ship coming from Germany and I need to know the ground clearance of it for trailering. Can't find it anywhere. Could someone please measure it for me?

Thank you

Which of the three color choices are you going for on your new scooter?:)
Which state do you live in?
Which of the three color choices are you going for on your new scooter?:)
Which state do you live in?

Eugene, I currently live in Dunedin, FL. However, I lived in Gig Harbor for 3 year, 2008 - 2011. Do you ever stop at the Hi U Heehee or 7 Seas Brewing?

Eugene, I currently live in Dunedin, FL. However, I lived in Gig Harbor for 3 year, 2008 - 2011. Do you ever stop at the Hi U Heehee or 7 Seas Brewing?


You must have been in the military?
Yes been to Hi U Heehee's last year.
No to 7 Seas Brewing yet. Move here 4years ago in retirement for grandkids.