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2016 RT won't start in gear


A week or so ago I noticed that my 2016 RT wouldn't start in gear with the side stand down and the clutch pulled. The most likely culprit appeared to be the microswitches that are actuated by the clutch so I ordered the replacement microswitches - one part with 2 switches (for bikes with cruise control).

I swapped out the part and the issue is still the same. I even tested it with the switches plugged in but not installed in the clutch lever assembly to ensure that there was not an alignment issue or something not allowing them to operate properly when installed. No change.

Bike starts fine in Neutral with the side stand down or in gear with the side stand up, leading one to believe that the side stand switch is working properly.

What's my next thing to check?
The bike will NEVER start in gear with the side stand down. That is a safety feature on nearly all modern bikes. It will also kill the engine if you start in neutral with the side stand down, pull in the clutch, and put it in gear.

What you described is the correct operation of the bike safety system.
The bike will NEVER start in gear with the side stand down. That is a safety feature on nearly all modern bikes. It will also kill the engine if you start in neutral with the side stand down, pull in the clutch, and put it in gear.

What you described is the correct operation of the bike safety system.

Geekmaster is right. I'm imagining that it used to be able to do that. You'd think after 5 years and over 43K miles I'd know.