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2012 K1600 GTL Oil Change Question....mixed weights and types...


New member
I need some advice. I needed to change the oil in my 2012 K1600 GTL before heading up to the Rally. I stopped by to pick up the oil, filter, and crush washer at Eurocycles Orlando. I will never let these guys do service on my bike after the nightmares I've had previously with the. Apparently they can't even pick out 5 liters of oil correctly either. I had poured 4 liters of the oil into the bike before I realized these Bozo's have given me 3 quarts of BMW Avantec Ulitmate 5w40, and 2 liters of BMW Aventec Pro 15w50 oil. Of course, I had put 2 of each into the bike. My gut tells me I'll be fine, but damn...how hard is it to pick up 5 liters of the same oil? So....I ride about 90% of the time in very hot Florida, so the 15w50 doesn't bother too much. I figured I'd tap the braintrust here to see if anyone has knowledge of why I'd need to correct this immediately before putting too many miles on the bike. Thanks....hope to see ya'll in a couple of weeks at the Rally.

Bite the bullet and redo the oil change with the correct weight oil. Thats cheaper than a new engine. Without going into a lengthy spill on how different weight of oil works in engines.
I'd never go there again.
I get all my oil and filters on amazon, usually wait for a sale. If you are concerned about the oil before the rally, I'd order it today and have it changes asap. Castrol Power 1 5W40 and Mahle OC306 filter would be what you are looking for.
Brutal. Someone most likely made a mistake. I would have taken the empty bottles back to the dealer & explain what happened. I bet they would have given you the correct oil no charge. Little more work & life goes on. I guess some have never made a mistake.
First mistake of course was the parts guy. Not a reason by itself to boycott that dealer, but you mention other "issues".
Second mistake was the customer did not look at the bottles before paying for them.
(Yes I've occasionally had the wrong item brought out. And yes I trust my local dealer. But I still look.)
Third mistake was the customer did not look again at the bottles before pouring them into the engine. LOTS of these oil bottles look very much alike; you're not the only one who's gotten bit.

Take the empty bottles back and try for some freebie? I don't see that happening, unless you've been a valued customer for a while and have a good relationship (or you bought the bike there) and they're willing to eat the cost.

I don't have a K16, a couple of local riding friends do, but I just have to wonder - are these engines really so technically critical that the difference between Avantec and Avantec Ultimate, or the resulting "10W45" brew, really might screw something up? (clutch action maybe?)
I don't have a K16, a couple of local riding friends do, but I just have to wonder - are these engines really so technically critical that the difference between Avantec and Avantec Ultimate, or the resulting "10W45" brew, really might screw something up? (clutch action maybe?)

I doubt it very much.

In the good-old-days of yore the little Rider's Manual had an oil viscosity chart and in every one I ever saw there was overlap between recommended viscosities as one looked at the the ambient temperature ranges. I seriously doubt that the science of internal combustion engines and wet clutches has changed so much that there isn't also some overlap of allowable viscosities. But I have on occasion been wrong before. :scratch
Here you go, right out of the owners manual C21AD9FB-7AB2-4C00-B41A-88E6318B904A.jpeg

For summer months in hot & humid areas you wouldn’t have problem with a little heavier weight oil I bet.