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2009 Cal24 Rally Announced! June 12th-14th


New member
The 2009 Cal24 Rally has just been announced by Tom Melchild:

Tom Melchild said:
The 2009 Cal24 Rally will be held in San Jose, CA on the weekend of June 12th-14th. The exact location will be given to riders in the Rally Pack when their paid entry is received.

The Rally will once again be a fundraiser for Polio Plus, part of Rotary International. A big thanks to Bob Mutchler for all his support of the Rally. The minimum donations stay the same at $50 for a individual, and $100 for a couple. This is a great organization and the Cal24 is happy to be of help to them.

Fees for this Rally are up slightly from last year. The reason for this is that we have a much better place for the banquet, and it is more expensive than previous years. I think everyone will be happy with the new place.

Mark Crane is still the Rallymaster, and in the Cal24 tradition we will be doing things a little different again. Riders will, as always, be going on some of the greatest roads in California, Nevada, and Oregon. We just have some more fun things to do and see along the way.

I will see everyone in June!

Tom Melchild

All pertinent info can be found at www.cal24.com. This is a tremendously fun event every year. I've done 5 in a row, and am looking forward to this year's rally just as much as any of the prior events. If you're curious about what it's like to ride 1000+ miles in 24 hrs, this is a great way to find out. :thumb
Cal 24 fond memories and missed riders and friends, now deceased: Peter Heesch, Gary Kunich, Garve Nelson, Fran Crane. The pleasure was mine.
Less than a month to go! :thumb Tom puts in the final shirt orders in the next few days, so if you're on the fence, now's the time to sign up to guarantee you'll get your swag in the right size...