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Dating Forum Anyone?


New member
Ok... here is the thought... as someone coming out of a 23 year marriage looking for my next partner to have a motorcycle license or at least ride on the back, I find I have only really bikerkiss.com to look at. What about a dating forum here? Let's face it, different types of bike are made for different kinds of riding. It could list type of bike and miles typically ridden per year etc. I am really not looking for a no windshield cruiser type of rider. OK so what do you think? I thought it would be a fun discussion anyway.
Well Willy Sutton, the famous bank robber said it best when asked; Why do you rob banks, Willy? “Cause that's where the money is”

Well since the ratio of Male to Female on most motorcycle forums is about 2000:1, "there ain't much $$ in this bank", assuming you are looking for a female.
I'm looking for a woman who is independant, makes plenty money, and is hot. Red heads will get priority. Applicant must have a 2007 or later K1300GT or a K1600GT. Please send pics (of the bike).
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Voni's Red K75S has been trying to decide whether it wants to date my K75 standard or my K75RTP. Since the standard is more enamored with her F800S they will probably hook up for the Branson trip. But my F650 Dakar is more manly so will probably oust the K75 later in the summer.

And that's my view of dating on the MOA Forum.
Why not.

Overkill....your name says it all. Keep this a bike forum, play your social games somewhere else.

Lighten up. This whole forum concept is a "social game". If you aren't interested don't look. Finding singles with similar interest and correct age demographic is a huge crap shoot why no narrow the odds.

Recently widowed may be interested in companionship somewhere down the road. Not everyone is a perv. looking just to hookup.
Check the fine print.

Well Willy Sutton, the famous bank robber said it best when asked; Why do you rob banks, Willy? ÔÇ£Cause that's where the money isÔÇØ

Well since the ratio of Male to Female on most motorcycle forums is about 2000:1, "there ain't much $$ in this bank", assuming you are looking for a female.

He said "partner" so he might be looking for a dude. :brow
I'd think that after 23 years, he would want a break. No dating for at least two years. It gives you time to clear your head.
My Dad at 87, says the reason he's so happy is that he's been single for the last 22 years!
ok, just be clear no dudes! I love the discussion it is a riot!! Some good points have been made. I am always amused when people get angry when you ask a question, its like they are so uptight no thinking is allowed. he he he . Anyway it was just a thought!
Finding a woman is a lot like sales. Overkill is doing what any good saleman would do; advertising and putting his desires out there "just in case". Since men tend to die younger than women. perhaps there is some riding widow that is interested in finding just such a guy. What better service can the MOA provide than match-making?

I didn't say it, but it seems appropriate...

"It is the nature of desire not to be satisfied, and most men live only for the gratification of it."

Easy :nyah
Great idea! It would be a gold mine for any woman looking for an old geezer with anal compulsive tendencies towards bike maintenance, farkles, and atgatt who likes to discuss oil viscosity and rear end problems!:rofl