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Nomad Tent


New member
Wondering if anybody has used this tent. Any review would be helpful.
I like the fact that it has a garage!
What if the moto falls over ...

I would never want a 600 pound moto parked next to my sleeping bag. What if it falls over, or is knocked over for any reason ? Do you really want a moto falling on you as you sleep ? The tent would be big and heavy to pack. It is an answer to a question that has never been asked... Looks yuppie, all the way to me. What the hell though, to each his own. As long as you are out there having fun...
I would never want a 600 pound moto parked next to my sleeping bag. What if it falls over, or is knocked over for any reason ? Do you really want a moto falling on you as you sleep ? The tent would be big and heavy to pack. It is an answer to a question that has never been asked... Looks yuppie, all the way to me. What the hell though, to each his own. As long as you are out there having fun...

I agree about sleeping next to the bike, but it looks like a great place to stash gear.

Also the tent looks very roomy. I wonder how it does in the wind?
I was at one rally where a guy had a tent big enough to roll his bike into, parallel to his sleeping pad. But, like the posters above, I don't want a heavy machine that close to me.

And a bike cover doesn't take up a lot of room.
By all means use the sidestand and lean the bike away from you. The ability to stand up in a tent is a luxury that I can/would appreciate. Suprisingly the packed size is less than the large Catoma that I presently use. Maybe I "need" another tent. Ride Safe :usa :usa
I saw one at Square Route - looks very roomy and cool and at 8"x21" doesn't seem too out of bounds sizewise packed. Somewhat pricy at $400 but a good tent will run you at least $200.

One thing, I cannot find a photo on the site showing the bike in the "garage", but on the sidestand. I don't know too many folks who use a centerstand on dirt and grass. Looks like it would be a bit difficult getting in and out of the tent part with the bike on the sidestand.
"Purchase your tent prior to July 10th 2010 and use Coupon Code BMWMOA and we will have your tent ready to pick up at from the Nomad Tent Company stand ( booth 64 & 65) at the BMW Rally in Redmond."

This is a cool thing. Anyone take them up on it?

Sleeping that close to a 500+ lb bike does have it's drawbacks, but the design is nice for a stand up changing area, or to hang up a sun shower bottle for a private shower, or a nice area for a chair in a rain shower.

It's a neat tent for sure.

Sleeping that close to a 500+ lb bike does have it's drawbacks, but the design is nice for a stand up changing area, or to hang up a sun shower bottle for a private shower, or a nice area for a chair in a rain shower.

It's a neat tent for sure.

AND .... you get to look at your bike all night! :heart
At least it's you putting the bike next to your tent. How many times have you woken up in the morning and had others comje in a park their bike right next to your tent? Or been brought out of a sleep with a bike entering the tent area at 2:30 or so after the local bars have closed.
Well, i went ahead and ordered the tent. Got it last week and set it up in the backyard yesterday. Easy to set up and has lots of room and is well made. Now it's off to the Finger Lakes Rally for some real world testing!


  • tent 009.jpg
    tent 009.jpg
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Well, i went ahead and ordered the tent. Got it last week and set it up in the backyard yesterday. Easy to set up and has lots of room and is well made. Now it's off to the Finger Lakes Rally for some real world testing!

I thought these looked interesting. I haven't had a chance to see one in person and the website wasn't really clear (at least to me). Some quick questions if you have a second.

- Is the tent separate from the fly or is it all one piece?

- If it's a separate fly/tent, can you set up the fly first so if it's raining the inside of the tent doesn't get wet?

- Hows the climate control? Is there lots of venting for those humid rain days without having the rain leak in? Are you able to seal it up if it's windy and cold?
Well, i went ahead and ordered the tent. Got it last week and set it up in the backyard yesterday. Easy to set up and has lots of room and is well made. Now it's off to the Finger Lakes Rally for some real world testing!

Thanks for posting the pic! I'm interested if you could post more showing more details.

Is it a single wall?

How much venting is there?
The fly and the inner tent can be set up separately, that's the way they designed it. It came attached and i just set it up as one, it's a little easier that way. The front and the back can be opened up for ventilation and the inner tent has side vents, but the fly doesn't. But you could just leave the whole garage part open as well, so the ventilation is pretty good.
Saw 3 at the Finger Lakes Rally. Very neat tent.

How is the pack size on the bike?
At 13 lbs, it's a lot bigger.