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TPMS Issue ? 2016 R1200RS


Left Coast Rider
On tour right now and smacked a pothole which set off the yellow warning triangle for front tire pressure.
It didn't feel any different but I stopped and got out my pressure gauge - 37psi. What the ...?

Fired up the bike and rode down the road about 50km with the yellow triangle staring me in the face. Stopped for fuel, started up again and no warning triangle and TPMS is reading good pressure front and rear.

Can one of the site gurus please 'splain what happened? Thanks in advance!
On tour right now and smacked a pothole which set off the yellow warning triangle for front tire pressure.
It didn't feel any different but I stopped and got out my pressure gauge - 37psi. What the ...?

Fired up the bike and rode down the road about 50km with the yellow triangle staring me in the face. Stopped for fuel, started up again and no warning triangle and TPMS is reading good pressure front and rear.

Can one of the site gurus please 'splain what happened? Thanks in advance!

Did the on-board computer show any pressure for the front tire? I'm not a site guru, but I had this happen to me w/my '15 RT. Eventually it kept doing it more frequently (showing the awful yellow triangle and losing the connection to the on-board computer (instead of showing a tire pressure, it only showed dashes). Finally, the other tire started doing it, too. I changed out the TPMS sensors in both wheels, re-established the connection w/the on-board computer, and all has worked ever usince. I believe the batteries were going bad in the original units (after 8 years in my case), and it was a coincidence that they lost contact after hitting that pothole! The units are not hard to replace, if you are comfortable removing/remounting your tires (or have someone do it for you). I used 3rd party units from Amazon that were getting great reviews on this board and they were a perfect match. I think I paid $20/unit, IIRC. Note that your dealer probably won't be happy using 3rd party units. BMW units are not inexpensive.
Not a guru here, but....
I'd guess the pothole caused a momentary but quick loss of pressure that tripped the TPMS into throwing the YELLOW alert (not the red - reserved for low pressure). It doesn't reset until down the road and the ignition turned off and on again at the gas station, where the extra miles ridden heated the tires and pressure back to normal levels. Could have been only a pound (or bar) or two. Has nothing to do with the TPMS batteries, you weren't showing the 3-dash indication which is associated with no reading and possible low battery(s).

You mentioned 37 psi, but gave no reference as to what you had set the tires to or expected it to be at. Any insight to that.?
I changed out the TPMS sensors in both wheels, re-established the connection w/the on-board computer, and all has worked ever usince. I believe the batteries were going bad in the original units (after 8 years in my case), and it was a coincidence that they lost contact after hitting that pothole! The units are not hard to replace, if you are comfortable removing/remounting your tires (or have someone do it for you). I used 3rd party units from Amazon that were getting great reviews on this board and they were a perfect match. I think I paid $20/unit, IIRC.

I think you're right. The dreaded triangle reappeared 200km later.

Would you happen to have a link to the 3rd party sensors you bought? Thanks again!
Not a guru here, but....
I'd guess the pothole caused a momentary but quick loss of pressure that tripped the TPMS into throwing the YELLOW alert .....you weren't showing the 3-dash indication which is associated with no reading and possible low battery(s).

You mentioned 37 psi, but gave no reference as to what you had set the tires to or expected it to be at. Any insight to that.?

Thanks for the response, sir.
I was running 36psi cold. And now I'm seeing the 3-dash indicator. :banghead

J Goertz...I owe you!

Ordered those sensors you sent me the link on. $30US each. They worked!

If you go to the rally in Redmond OR next year, or if you find yourself in Vancouver one day, the beer is on me!

Thanks again for saving me $400US! :thumb

J Goertz...I owe you!

Ordered those sensors you sent me the link on. $30US each. They worked!

If you go to the rally in Redmond OR next year, or if you find yourself in Vancouver one day, the beer is on me!

Thanks again for saving me $400US! :thumb


See you in Redmond! If the creek don't rise!