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Another dealer gone?


Well-known member
How long have I been out of the loop? See that BMW dealership in Countryside, Illinois is closed....when and why? Thought this odd as didn't they just change the name not long ago? So just Barrington holding on in Chicago area? Seems anymore the shelf life for 80% of BMW dealerships is less than 8 years. Lew Fox, South Chicago, Laurel, Rockford, Springfield, Peoria, Rock Island, Savoy and more have come and gone. So only two dealership in all of Illinois (Barrington and Sportland in Urbana)? We have just one in all of Indiana.
Closed last Friday at 5pm. Word was out maybe a month in advance, had sale on a number of items. The pro ball player who owned it and a Mazda dealership was getting out of the Chicago area as I understood it.

Windy City Triumph in St. Charles appears to be opening at BMW Motorrad dealer and Facebook page indicates possible opening within a month.

At the moment Cyclewerks in Barrington only one in Chicago area. Never a bad experience there. Hadn’t been there since remodel but more space than I remember last time.

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Sad to see all this, as my local dealer in Ft Lauderdale will be celebrating 60 years as a BMW dealer. I’m sure that my family and I contributed some to their bottom line...:laugh.
can't say for sure but theres a good chance there will be another bmw bike dealer on the north side early next year.maybe on howard street.

Guess I should feel lucky we have 3 dealers in MN, all within 50 miles of my house although I support MOON Motorsports, the furthest away for their sales and service.
Sad to see all this, as my local dealer in Ft Lauderdale will be celebrating 60 years as a BMW dealer. I’m sure that my family and I contributed some to their bottom line...:laugh.

Used to service at 441 BMW in Ft. Lauderdale. Nice little shop with good people but I’m guessing some of their longevity is due to staying small and not investing in their facility. May have been in the same building for 60. I’m guessing they’re grandfathered in so BMW leaves them alone.

A big part of the problem for BMW dealers are BMWNA facility requirements. Tough to make it for independent operators. Most Auto dealer groups aren’t really interested in running M/C dealerships due to low return on investment.
Used to service at 441 BMW in Ft. Lauderdale. Nice little shop with good people but I’m guessing some of their longevity is due to staying small and not investing in their facility. May have been in the same building for 60. I’m guessing they’re grandfathered in so BMW leaves them alone.

A big part of the problem for BMW dealers are BMWNA facility requirements. Tough to make it for independent operators. Most Auto dealer groups aren’t really interested in running M/C dealerships due to low return on investment.

Actually they did move, many years ago, into a facility on Peters Road from 441(SR7) where they got their name from.
They look like a BMW dealership but still on a small scale and the building has storage space for rent on the top floor carrying them through the lean times...

As far as ROI goes, you're right. It is crazy expensive to get a BMW dealership of the ground.
I was told that if you want to make a million $ with a bike dealership, you start with two and quit when you have one million left over...:hungover