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Valve specs? 2014 F800GT


New member
Hello all, Please, would anyone know the clearance specs in either metric or standard 2014 F800GT ? Thanks! Tim

Welcome to the Forum!:wave

The intakes are .18-.26mm (.007-.010”).

The exhausts are .27-.35mm (.011-.014”). Shoot for the loose side of spec. on the exhausts.

Shims are available in .05mm (.002”mm) increments.

Good Morning Lee,

Thanks so much for the helpful info. Might even try to use it this afternoon...this mornings plans are to take the top ends off the slash 5 see if I can figure who's knocking ever so slightly in there ...and if theres gas left in the tank after that , wheel the F bike in for a valve check...jeez does it ever end haha

Greetings from Vernon BC,
