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Two Questions, actually...


New member

I am unclear how to include a quote from another forum member's post. I have a feeling this is simple, but missing a step or two...


How does one attach multiple pictures to a single post?

Thanks for the help and keep up the great moderating!

Resting in San Mateo...
crvalley said:

I am unclear how to include a quote from another forum member's post. I have a feeling this is simple, but missing a step or two...

I'll step in...
To quote another user you have a few options.

1. click on the "quote" button in the lower right of a post. Snip out unnecessary copy out of what you are quoting, and add your comments above or below the area surrounded by the quote tags.

2. click on the quote button in the vB buttons at the top of the reply window and paste what you'd like to include.

3. manually type in {quote} - message - {/quote}. (replace "{" and "}" with "[" and "]")

I do a mix of number 1 and 3. Be sure to put the appropriate tags between the sections you are quoting.

make sense?


How does one attach multiple pictures to a single post?

Thanks for the help and keep up the great moderating!

Resting in San Mateo...

To attach multiple images, those images need to be hosted on another server. I host pictures on my own site. Lots of people, including kbasa, use Smugmug. There are other services, such as pbase and .mac (for us mac users).

To link the photo, you can can use the "IMG" button, above the message window, to link to the image's location (url) on the Internet and make it display as an image in your message.

So let's say I want to show the picture of my dirty bike next to Rubbercow's dirty bike. I know the url for the picture is...

So I click on the IMG button, paste that URL, and the picture will be included in the post. You can put as many photos as you like into one post using the IMG button (or typing in the code manually).


If the photo doesn't appear in the final post, it's a sure bet that you've got the URL mangled somehow. Very commonly, it's easy to accidentally link to a page the photo is on, not the photo itself. Make sure the URL ends with .jpg or .gif. If it doesn't, you probably don't have the right one.

How do you get the right URL? If you're on a mac, right-click on the image and choose "open image in new window" and copy and paste that URL. If you're on windows, right-click on the image to bring up a small menu. Pick properties. You'll the URL for the image there. Copy it and you're ready to paste it into a message.

For more information about formatting a post and what you can and can't do, we've got some great built in help in the forum - click here