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Trailers to pull behind motorcycle?


New member
Is this the thread to discuss using a motorcycle to pull a trailer? Or..is there a better thread for that subject?

Is this the thread to discuss using a motorcycle to pull a trailer? Or..is there a better thread for that subject?

There have been a few threads on pull behind trailers, usually in the Gear section..I'l move it over for you.
Is this the thread to discuss using a motorcycle to pull a trailer? Or..is there a better thread for that subject?


OK, so what are your questions?
"Doable" does not mean "should be done."

All the inconvenience of a car and all the discomforts of a motorcycle.
Try this with most any other trailer. Riding two-up all the time requires either a significant amount of down-sizing or obtaining a modest storage capacity increase with this little rig. With a little jiggin' around we made it into the courtyard accommodations. (New Orleans visit 2007) - Bob

Since this has become "Show & Tell...

Dragon's Tail


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Good idea to have a TPMS with internal tire temperatue sensoring if carrying massive loads like some of these examples. Never good to exceed tire ratings.
RT with the Bushtec heading for 2013 Rally. Note the large suitcase in the trailer.


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I did not make the home made trailer myself. It was actually made in the 70s and was stored for about 25 years in the high mountains in Colorado. Nylon canvas, making it very advanced for it's time. Still looks good and in great shape. I store the canvas in a climate controlled area to prevent mildew. I wish I have the skills to re-create this and make it out of lighter materials. As you can see, it is longer than most camper trailers, but much narrower (almost the exact width as the LT). I think this is a great advantange over other factory made wide models - with this trailer, if the bike will make it through a space, I am pretty sure the trailer can ( yes I have tested this with a logging truck coming at me on a corner in Oregon single lane back road with my wife on the back).