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Shad 39L Case Install


I finally settled on a top case for my Camhead a week ago and bought a Shad 39. Here are precious few online images of this combo so here are photos for your amusement as well as some thoughts regarding the various offerings out there:

- The 39 was smallest size they offered that could swallow my XXL Neotec II.

- You can leave the case unlocked and not have to dig out a key to open it. This was a big deal and is the #1 reason I didn't even consider a Givi. Well, that and the Givi guy I talked to on the phone was a phallus: "Why would you not want to use a key?!? Do you WANT people to steal your stuff?" He, literally, said that to me on the phone when I called to verify that you HAVE to use the key to open it every time.

- It sits in a nice spot between the BMW 29L and 49L cases and was only $300 installed with a backrest. That's HALF what the small BMW case costs and forget about the big one, that's almost five times as much!

- It looks pretty nice on the bike as the pictures show.

I am very impressed overall as the quality is as good, if not a little better, than the BMW panniers. It comes with generic mounting hardware that doesn't work very well at all with the luggage rack so it's worth the extra $90 or so buy the bits engineered to fit. Makes for a very clean, secure, installation and lets you position it fore and aft (about 2" total) to suit your needs.

PS - big shout out to Revzilla. Their customer support is OUTSTANDING! IMG_20190220_194503-1.jpgIMG_20190220_194512-1.jpgIMG_20190220_194521-1.jpgIMG_20190220_194549-1.jpgIMG_20190220_194636-1.jpg
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That is the BMW "Comfort" low seat. I bought it used form someone on one of these forums. I put that in quotes because, though it's way better than the ultra-low seat it still isn't something I can ride for more than 3-4 hours a day with breaks. It will soon be donating its pan and heating element for a Terry's Custom seat.
Shad top case

I put a Shad top case on my 2015 R1200RT last year, purchased also from Revzilla. I must agree the case is first grade quality, looks like it was made for my bike. After the install it was a great fit, very pleased. I had purchased the recommended mount for my bike which was again great quality. The only negative I have is that the mount install instructions were the worst I've ever dealt with. They were simply not explicit on what to do step by step. I admit I am not a genius, but am mechanically inclined and have done much work on motorcycles, boats, trucks and houses. It took me 2 days because I got so frustrated with the install I had to walk away. Install, remove and reinstall 3 times. Finally got it and the end result is perfect. Sorry for the rant on a great product but I get frustrated on a great product designed and manufactured well and the install instructions not concise. All said and done I would buy the product again!
I can see where you are coming from, the instructions are just a bunch of stick-figure images, but it wasn't too bad for me. I did the whole thing in 30 minutes. Of course it was after the first run through that I realized that it had a couple of positions it could installed in so I took it all apart to move it back a couple of inches (again, bad instructions). But then again, this is what these forums are here for.
Very nice, thanks for posting photos. I'll second the PITA key's can be, I loved my old Givi top case, but the key thing got very old.
Very nice, thanks for posting photos. I'll second the PITA key's can be, I loved my old Givi top case, but the key thing got very old.

Yeah I love it. I can get in there anytime I want an just lock it when I need to. We have secure parking at work so I just leave it unlocked. This really is, in my opinion, the best feature of Shad cases as compared to Givi.
Very nice, thanks for posting photos. I'll second the PITA key's can be, I loved my old Givi top case, but the key thing got very old.

The big issue with Givi and keys is not in having to use the key to open the case, it’s the inconsistency across their line in how the key is/is not required to LOCK the case. For example, on their V46 and Trekker cases, you need the key in order to lock the case. On the V47, the case can be closed and locked without using the key, which is now safely and irretrievably locked in the pocket of the jacket that was just locked in the case at an afternoon coffee stop...50 miles from the motel for the night and with rain clouds coming...

DG (enjoying the Shad 50L topcase on my K13GT)
Nice looking Anniversary Edition

Really nice looking RT.. I always liked that one.. and the case is nice too, haha.