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Programming LED Blinkers?


New member
Anyone able to get the dealer to “flash” the computer for aftermarket LED blinkers?

I don’t see why we should need to add resistors and muck up the wiring...

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What bike/year?? On another thread, I read that the issue is the current draw of the LEDs isn't compatible with the flasher unit...hence the need for the resistors. But, the thread mentioned getting an LED-compatible flasher. Not sure a bike's computer necessarily controls the flash rate...but again, depends on the bike you have.
2017 R12GS

BMW and the US DOT have an issue with total lens size of the factory LED so they have been recalled.

I’m not sure if the dealers computer can flash the resistance anymore since.

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Anyone able to get the dealer to “flash” the computer for aftermarket LED blinkers?

I don’t see why we should need to add resistors and muck up the wiring...

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If your bike is pre-wethead, you can use the Genie Blinker.

If your bike is a wethead, the best solution I found was to to talk with Glenn in Clearwater Lights and have him make you a gadget to run/blink your front signals.

What I would like to do is get the technician to turn the signaling off sooner than it is now--which is about 30 seconds sometimes, and forever others.
What I would like to do is get the technician to turn the signaling off sooner than it is now--which is about 30 seconds sometimes, and forever others.

On my F800GS, the signal timing is speed sensitive. At highway speed- 6 flashes and auto off. At a stop- flasher is forever.
X2 on Dynamic Motorrad. Installed mine couple weeks ago. Very bright compared to stock. Just remove the stock bulbs and replace with the LEDs. No codes so far.
I know about a lot of the different LED options out there.

But I liked the look AND the brightness of the BMW LED’s.

I just can’t wrap my head around there NOT being a solution outside of splicing a resistor into the wiring.

Anyone know of a source for the OEM male/female plug ends?

I could wire myself up a plug and play option...

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The best and brightest solution I found was here.


These are the brightest led bulbs I have seen. Easy to install on all four corners. Should last the life of the bike.

The dynamic motorrad turn signal lights passed the "Wife Test."

I bought a set for her bike and my bike. I installed my new lights and asked her to do a side by side test.

She liked them very much - then asked, "Did you buy me a set?" To which I said, "Yes Dear!"
Thanks for the advice. It seems there is no programmable solution. I considered riding to Canada to have it done, but the dealers I called there have found themselves in the same scenario with their transportation cabinet as the US.

Im not overly concerned with it being easy or cheap. I’m mostly looking for clean.

I like the clean lines of the OEM LED’s.

I like the clean install of a plug and play solution.

Time to hunt for the plugs I guess!

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It’s not just brightness. It’s the look and styling of them.

They are the blinkers the designers intended when the bike was drawn up.

I like that.

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