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Look What Followed Me Home - 2012 R1200GSA


New member
Well, we actually got home at the same time. My first boxer twin. 34K miles. $8200. I have questions:

* Where can I see an Owner's Manual and Service/Repair manual?

* What engine, transmission and final drive lube to use?

* This bike has a whine around 4000 rpm, regardless of gear or speed. Sounds like it is coming from the front of the engine and I think it relates to the alternator or alternator belt. Any thoughts on that?

* This bike may never see a road that is not paved but it is a GSA and it needs tires. Is there a tire for this? I can't imagine that a knobby tire is best for pavement riding.
Perhaps there is a tire that is for mostly pavement, but also not entirely useless IF the bike does get ridden on dirt or gravel.

* Is any competent MC shop capable of mounting tires on these wheels without damaging them? Or should this be done by the dealership? I may just figure out how to remove the wheels and take them, and new tires, to a shop.

Any other tips or suggestions would also be very much appreciated.


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BMW has the riders' manuals available on-line -


Finding a service manual may be more challenging. I've heard that "bootleg" copies sometimes show up at on-line places (e.g. ebay).

Max BMW shows the DVD as NA


The IBMWR.org website had much owner compiled service-related information, perhaps something is available there.
The YouTube has contributions from various folks. After a bit one can discern those folks that provide worthwhile

Here is another on-line link claiming to offer downloadable service manuals (YMMV!) -- I have not availed myself of this information -
* Where can I see an Owner's Manual and Service/Repair manual?

* What engine, transmission and final drive lube to use?

* This bike has a whine around 4000 rpm, regardless of gear or speed. Sounds like it is coming from the front of the engine and I think it relates to the alternator or alternator belt. Any thoughts on that?

* This bike may never see a road that is not paved but it is a GSA and it needs tires. Is there a tire for this? I can't imagine that a knobby tire is best for pavement riding.
Perhaps there is a tire that is for mostly pavement, but also not entirely useless IF the bike does get ridden on dirt or gravel.

* Is any competent MC shop capable of mounting tires on these wheels without damaging them? Or should this be done by the dealership? I may just figure out how to remove the wheels and take them, and new tires, to a shop.

Owners manual is easy...download it from BMW's website. Service manual...also easy. PM me and I'll give you the details, don't want to blather on about it it. They are all software based.

As far as lubes go, any quality oil that meets the required specification is fine. For ease of ordering, take a look at Beemer Boneyard. They have complete maintenance kits that come with Liquid Moly fluids...very good stuff.

Alternator belt is pretty easy to change and you don't need the expensive BMW tool to do it. I have a big crescent wrench I use. Lots of videos that show how to do it. The belt is around $25 or so.

As for tires, I always preferred the more street oriented tires for my V-Strom when I owned it. Michelin makes road going tires in ADV sizes as does Pirelli, Bridgestone, and others.

There shouldn't be anything special about the wheels. They are just tubeless wheels. If you take a close look, you'll see that the spokes attached on the outside of the rim, so you don't need tubes. Any reputable shop should be able to spoon on tires and not damage your wheels.
Providing your location would help a lot for people to advise with any qualified shops in your area.