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GPS Users - Is it possibly to get a download from someone else along my trip?



Hello...I am a Newbie with a GPS unit. I purchased a Garmin Street Pilot III and have a 128 MB chip. I am leaving for a trip on Friday to include FL-NY-VT-Monteal-Boston-Cape Cod-back home. My GPS unit will not hold all this information. Here is my question:

Can I load as much street info as the 128 MB chip will hold and then along the route purge the info and have someone with City Navigator download more info for my trip onto my unit so I can keep riding?

Appreciate any help on this.

Great...I didn't know if my unit was locked into my CD's only. I guess the next step is to see who along the way would be interested in helping out.

Do I need to bring my USB cables along with me or do all Garmin Units used the same connection?


I think you will not have any problem with City Navigator 5 or earlier, but what I hear is that the new ver 6 is linked to a particular unit. Not only that, but if a chip is put into the unit registered with ver 6 and loaded with maps, that chip will only work in the unit used to load the maps. Not only that, Garmin is charging the full $150 update cost of ver 6 even if you bought one of the 26XX series as short as a month ago.

Garmin makes good stuff but this is oppressive.

Anyway, I have ver 5 of City Navigataor on my computer in NYC and would be happy to download to your SPIII. You will need the cable since I no longer have a SPIII cable and you will have to be brave enuf to deal with NYC people and traffic. An example of the attitude of people here is me telling you my new 2 Gig chip for the 2610 will hold all of N. America City Navigator plus parts of Europe :D

But the traffic is not really so bad :brow
allenclarkson said:
An example of the attitude of people here is me telling you my new 2 Gig chip for the 2610 will hold all of N. America City Navigator plus parts of Europe :D

So what road do you take across that big pond?:clap :p
Bradfordbenn, nice helmet check out this one i photo,d in Maui


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