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COTA MOTO GP Camping----4/19--4/21


New member
Is there really no camping at the track??? There certainly is no reference to this option on the track's web site. If that is so, does anyone have personal experience camping near the track or could give a recommendation?

It sits in a remote area at the moment...not a lot of things built up to support it yet...such as quality camping nearby. Very close to airport and the SH-130 toll road. I recall no camping during the F1 race as well.There is little on-site parking either...they used shuttles for F1.

Two State parks are nearby...one very close. McKinney Falls State Park is south off US183 maybe under 10 miles away

The other is Lockhart State Park also further south off of US183 and maybe 25 miles to track

I would bet these fill up fast even w/out a race weekend
McKinney Falls State Park

I reserved a screen shelter at McKinney Fall SP. It sleeps 8 and has 4 sets of plywood bunk beds suitable for a sleeping pad and bag. Right now I only have three of us riding down from Colorado Springs arriving on the 18th and staying thru to Monday. Figured we would pick up a couple more as the date gets closer. Shelter is $40 a night plus a daily $6 park entrance fee. Also be advised that no consumption of alcohol in the public spaces in the park. :nono

Park is only 7 miles from COTA.

Info on the screened shelters: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/state-parks/mckinney-falls/fees-facilities/screened-shelters
I saw no camping at the track grounds. McKinney Falls State Park is the best and closest however I just checked the TXPD website and it showed no sites available. Pedernales Falls is on the opposite side of Austin and it still has some tent sites available but looks like they're out of RV slots. At the F1 race there were lots of local farmers near the track letting RVers dry camp for around $45 a night. There are also several RV Parks in and around Austin that might have something available still. The last time I was there I scoped out this little RV park called Pecan Grove in town and it seemed more than adequate. There were good restaurants nearby and it's a scenic part of town and downtown Austin is a short distance away. But whatever you do you'd better be doing it soon. For the F1 race everything within a hundred miles was sold out months in advance.

Bastrop and Buesher State parks are close too and have camping. They are almost connected to each other. I have some friends that will be camping there.
Is there really no camping at the track??? There certainly is no reference to this option on the track's web site. If that is so, does anyone have personal experience camping near the track or could give a recommendation?


What kind of camping are you talking about...RV or tent?
I just called McKinney Falls SP and they said it's okay to have a tent at an RV site so if nothing else works out for you you're welcome to set up your tent at our campsite. You'll have to pay the fee for the extra person plus a daily entry fee to the park...all very nominal I believe. If you're coming by motorcycle parking shouldn't be a problem but if you're driving a car you might have to park in an overflow parking area as my RV and trailer will likely take up most of the space.

We're not big party people so you might find us kind of boring but it's an option to consider if all else fails.
Shelter space

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have space in the shelter I rented for the races at the state park. One of the club members back out due to work. It's looking ifffy for our departure on Weds and our back up plan is to drive down. Send me an e-mail if you want to join us.