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Piggy Back Straps and James Cover Jr.


Active member
Has anyone heard from him? I ordered a set of straps back on the 19th of May, paid thru PayPal. Haven't received straps or a reply to my email of June 4. Just called the number on his website, got VM. His area code says PA. There's a James Cover Jr. on FB in Bilgerville PA. Anyone know him? Or anyone around there know OF him? I hope he's ok.....
I know Jim Cover.
He's in Windber Pa.

He is having issues with an elderly parent.

If you PM me with your Name etc. I'll reach out to him.
He is an HONEST man and will not cheat you.

Just talked to Jim.
He'll check on it as soon as he gets home.
Check you PM please.
What a great example of how to handle a situation that seems to pop up from time to time :thumb :clap
Piggyback Straps

Hi Everyone,
Jim Cover,Jr. Does exist! Just spoke with Nik. Don't know how I missed his email order. I am so excited when I receive an order that I process it immediately! His strap order will ship tomorrow, June 11.
I wish more of you camper type BMW riders would check out piggybackstraps. They are really great!
Happy Trails, Jim.
Hi Everyone,
Jim Cover,Jr. Does exist! Just spoke with Nik. Don't know how I missed his email order. I am so excited when I receive an order that I process it immediately! His strap order will ship tomorrow, June 11.
I wish more of you camper type BMW riders would check out piggybackstraps. They are really great!
Happy Trails, Jim.
There you go! Hi Jim, I don't know what your product is...but... we have the Member Opportunities section where you can put up a post (and hopefully a picture) of what you have and what they do. If you need help, let me know. Gary
Thanks for the attention to the issue Jim! And thanks for the interference run Jason!

I give Jim an A+ for his effort once we discovered the issue. He called and as very apologetic. I'm just happy that it all worked out.

If you don't have a set of Piggy Back Straps, get a set. I have Aerostitch straps. I have Equinox straps I bought at EMS. I have straps with no name on them. Once I get a second set of Piggy Back Straps, I'll never use the other ones again.

They could not be easier to use and work head and shoulders over anything else.


Thanks again Jim!!