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Ride West Virginia


ALWAYS good to ride in West Virginia! My brother put this ride together for last weekend. Late fall is a great time to ride in West Virginia, especially if you can stand the cool mornings, beautiful scenery, twisty roads, and some unexpected dirt paths. My brother, Ed P. representing BMWBMW, Chuck A. representing Blue Ridge Beemers, Ed S. and myself with Twin Valley Riders all met on Friday evening at Chuck's home in the Shenendoah Valley of Virginia. On Saturday Chuck led us on a spirited twisty ride that led us to Hawks Nest State Park and Lodge where we had reservations for the night.


The view from our room:


Sunday morning was very cool with light frost on the bike seats. Ed S. had to do minor sugury on his electrical plugs to keep his heat going.


Sunday's ride began with descending into the New River Gorge


This road leads down under the "new" New River Gorge Bridge that carries US 19 traffic now. At the bottom of the gorge is the old bridge:

It hard to imagine all the traffic that once traversed this narrow road and bridge.

Later, on a little W.VA county road we came upon an obstruction. Seems its moving day in the hollar:

The road gets narrower:

Then all but disapears under leaves that actually hide a giant mud hole. We took a vote, and majority ruled so we turned back, even tho the GPS says the road goes on, not much traffic had been thru here in a while:

We had hoped to get lunch at this little Taco Stand in the middle of the junction of route 16 and 4, but it was closed on Sunday

Taking a break along route 16:

Interesting fall decorations:

I hope the West VA State Police have a sense of humor

Sunday night we found lodging at North Bend State Park. Cabin was cheap and nice. Included fire wood.

Monday was our final day together. We managed to find more gravel road courtesy of Garmin.

We headed to Seneca Rocks for lunch and dispersed for our homes from there.

Mornings started out in the low to mid 30s, but days warmed up nicely into the 60s. Weather blessed us with sunny skys. West VA blessed us with beautiful pavement, light traffic, and no sign of LEOs.
Hey! I was at several of those places a few weeks ago. I love that area! In fact, I have the same pictures with different bikes and people.

We head down there every year in October for a long weekend. Can't beat it!

You were all on GS's and turned back from a mud puddle? What is the world coming to? :laugh Just giving you a hard time.

Actually, I'm jealous. We have ridden down that way a couple times, and have loved it. Looking forward to a return trip. Thanks for the report and pic's!
You were all on GS's and turned back from a mud puddle? What is the world coming to? :laugh Just giving you a hard time.

Actually, I'm jealous. We have ridden down that way a couple times, and have loved it. Looking forward to a return trip. Thanks for the report and pic's!

:dunno I'm with you on that! I voted to go on. Actually the vote was a tie. One rider has never been off road, and on very little gravel. So we opted to be safe and not scratch or dent any bike:laugh
Great riding: The sweepers on WV 150 where recommended by a trucker we met during a coffee break - good recommendation.

The Aerosticth Catalouge Cover: Chuck A, Ed S, and Pfestus


Sensuous and Curvy West Virginia:

..and her nether regions...

Thread author - Pfestus (Big Bro')

Breakfast view at Hawks Nest


Chuck and I had the "Woods View" from our room ($10 less than the " Gorge View")

A short brisk walk from our cabin at North Bend (it aint all riding- gotta maintain ones constitution):

Ed S. spanks the AdventureGS -

A quick glimpse of WV 74:


And on my way home after leaving the Aerostich gang...Thanks to Senator Bird for the Appalachian Highway Systems (up there in the distance) - WV 55 (down here) is all mine :wink:


Our 590 mile route -

You were all on GS's and turned back from a mud puddle? What is the world coming to? :laugh Just giving you a hard time.

Actually, I'm jealous. We have ridden down that way a couple times, and have loved it. Looking forward to a return trip. Thanks for the report and pic's!
:dunno I'm with you on that! I voted to go on. Actually the vote was a tie. One rider has never been off road, and on very little gravel. So we opted to be safe and not scratch or dent any bike:laugh
Yeah there was a little bit of negotiation, but the consolation was that we all got to ride a whole bunch more of Rt "Sweet" 16 and nobody was shy about passing on the double yellows:thumb

Damn those aerostitch guys are :laugh everywhere....
Nice report, great pics. You were not far from my house. Next time take route 50 back home for and interesting journey. There is a nice rest stop between Grafton and state line with lots of old antique farm equipment, and you can feed the rather large trout in the pen.
Cass Rally

THanks for this report.
I too ride in WV a good bit and have been on many of these roads. Always fun!

Most of these roads are a day ride from the Cass Rally, held every year at Boyer Station Motel & Campground. It's near Snowshoe for those not familiar with the area.

We should be seeing some info about Cass soon. I can't wait as it's the first rally of my rally season.


I rode from Morgantown to Wheeling on the way home from Vermont in July '06. By far the most technical riding I've ever done.