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Beer Garden Volunteers

Love Scotch... but Dewars?!?! I am WAY to snobbish for that stuff. I need Cask Strength at the very least.

Not sure about Dewars, but I can tell you there are plans for a full bar, serving mixed drinks and wine along with a sure-fire Das Rally favorite....wine slushies!
any discussion about what will be on sale?

I'm sure lots of fancy Micro Brews but personally I'd be happy with a good supple of cold Miller Light.

As far as volunteering..............................4 hour shift? Really, I'd give you 2 but I'm not sure about 4.

Hi Jim,

I've got 14 Chromeheads lined up for our requested shift Thursday evening. Would that be 8-12?

Thanks. PM sent.
Hi Jim,

I've got 14 Chromeheads lined up for our requested shift Thursday evening. Would that be 8-12?

Thanks. PM sent.


Always great to see the chromeheads! Have sent this along to Pat Dial. You boys are in ! YAHOO!!!

We are going to have us a RALLY!

BMW MOA National Beer Garden Chair
Das Rally 2016:drink
Hamburg Brewing Company

I'm looking forward to trying one of local brews. This looks like it has a lot of possibilities and it's only 2.2 miles from the fairgrounds. Check out the pictures as they have very nice grounds as well:

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Dave and I are hoping to help out in the beer tent on Wednesday evening, to serve the volunteers. I've sent an email to Paul Ruffell.

Always great to see the chromeheads! Have sent this along to Pat Dial. You boys are in ! YAHOO!!!

We are going to have us a RALLY!

BMW MOA National Beer Garden Chair
Das Rally 2016:drink

Thanks Jim! :dance

Cheryl - You'll always be a Chromehead. :thumb

Hi Randy. :wave
New to the Club and the Rally, I can volunteer for a shift or two. I sent an email.


Thanks for the help, Tom. :thumb

It seems that everyone who does some volunteering at the Rally, always comes away saying that the volunteering increased their fun factor and also their number of friends. :thumb



Paul F. Ruffell
DAS Rally Volunteer Chair