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What's the strangest problem you've had to fix on your Oilhead?

Does this count?:ha
. Hello (just joined BMWMOA). While riding down the freeway, every electrical system on '99 R1100GS went dark. All the lights went out and the engine stopped firing. It wasn't the first time, but, on the freeway I remember pulling in the clutch as fast as possible to coast to the shoulder. Key off. Key on. Started right up, no indication of any problem, and kept riding down the highway. Here's what has prevented that from happening again over the past few years: NEW IGNITION SWITCH. The old one (~20 years) got wet more than once parked in the rain. I believe the dirt/rain shorted the switch randomly, and there's something in the Motronic (?) that shuts down everything if it detects a short. *
Hi Josiah, and welcome to the clan! :)
If it wasn't a short, an open would do the same thing, and is more common.
Since it's a '99, you're also subject to the infamous insulation on the HES wires dissolving... there's a guy on line here who re-wires them, cheaper than a new one.
another fuse/electrical gremlin story: bike died on the interstate late at night, wouldn't restart, had to get towed off the road. Started poking around next morning and found the fuel injection fuse blown. Why??? :dunno Of course I only had one spare so before I replaced the fuse & had it blow again, I walked to an auto parts store & got a package of fuses. Put a new one in, new fuse didn't blow, everything worked, never had another issue.
another fuse/electrical gremlin story: bike died on the interstate late at night, wouldn't restart, had to get towed off the road. Started poking around next morning and found the fuel injection fuse blown. Why??? :dunno Of course I only had one spare so before I replaced the fuse & had it blow again, I walked to an auto parts store & got a package of fuses. Put a new one in, new fuse didn't blow, everything worked, never had another issue.
I have had a couple instances, when a fuse will short out, without a real wiring issue. First time, I was riding in the rain for over an hour, on a Kawasaki KZ650. Stopped at a motel, next morning bike wouldn’t start. Checked fuses, battery connection, nothing. Got the the bike trailered home, bike started right up. Apparently, the fuses got moisture and shorted.
Second was on a Moto Guzzi,(very old) 850 Le Mans. These have those open, VW Bug type fuses. Lights stopped working, checked the fuses and found the one with a hairline crack. Apparently from old age and vibration.
another fuse/electrical gremlin story: bike died on the interstate late at night, wouldn't restart, had to get towed off the road. Started poking around next morning and found the fuel injection fuse blown. Why??? :dunno Of course I only had one spare so before I replaced the fuse & had it blow again, I walked to an auto parts store & got a package of fuses. Put a new one in, new fuse didn't blow, everything worked, never had another issue.
Similar issue with my '04 RT last summer. Rode to breakfast with the fog lights on. Came out after breakfast and the fog lights wouldn't work. Got home and found a blown fuse. Put a new one in. Been fine ever since.
Hi Josiah, and welcome to the clan! :)

Hello, Paul's, thanks! Looking forward to clan membership. I installed a new, EnduraLast HES (ignition sensor) last week. It probably helped, but, currently the '99 GS has an intermittent starting glitch. Often it starts perfectly after the first starter rotation. Sometimes it takes a few seconds of cranking to nudge it into firing, then runs perfectly. Going to do my first fuel filter replacement (153k miles). Bought thin wall 16mm spark plug wrench. Ty.
A few years ago, the engine vibrated like crazy. Talked to my mechanic. Had I removed the '99 GS fuel tank? Turns out on the right side there's a throttle cable. The metal tip jumped out of its seating hole, causing uneven fuel supply. *
The dash lights blinking indicating a ABS failure on my 2002 R1150. Was in the Colorado ountains so just rode home giving every car and stop light an extra degree of caustion. Next day, every thing was fine. Then riding on warm days, the flahing dash light code would return. A new $$$$ ABS unit, made me angry at the Dealership which sold me the used bike. Long story - short. The ABS brakes had not been maintained and the brake fuild was low & dirty causing the indicator light alert. Serviced the ABS & fuild my self. Troblem never returned AND the brakes and clutch felt much better. :)