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Weird turn signal issue.

Morning all!

I have a 2016 C650 sport with about 8500 miles.

My front turn signals don't work, nor do the flashers.

The rears are fine.

At the advice of the dealer, I changed both front bulbs.

Here's the weird part....

The bulbs DO work if you turn the scooter off and turn it back on. Once you get back on the road they QUIT working again.

I purchased this scooter with about 400 miles on it and to be honest, the front turn signals probably had this problem then.

It's still under warranty but it's such a pain to take it to the dealer, grab an uber and be without my bike for how long it takes to fix.

Thanks in advance...
It's still under warranty but it's such a pain to take it to the dealer, grab an uber and be without my bike for how long it takes to fix.

I apologize in advance, but this did make me chuckle. I do admit I live "out there" but the nearest Uber is at least 200 miles away, and after I rode to the nearest dealership the 400 mile Uber ride home would be a bit above my pay grade. :)
Welcome to the forum! Lacking any experience with the issue, I notice there's a thread on scooter turn signals in the Similar Thread pane below. Hopefully other owners with some ideas will notice your question.
Buzz -

I'm betting this is a CANBUS issue as the system is shutting down the front signals for some reason. Did the previous owner try to "upgrade" the bulbs with a higher wattage or some non-canbus LED? Do you know anyone who has a HEXCODE GS911 or MOTOSCAN?
So here's a update:

I had it at the dealer and they troubleshot it to a bad ground. They told me they ran a new one and that fixed it.

It didn't.

For 6 weeks now it's been at the dealer. 4 of those ago, they ordered a new instrument cluster. I called today and was informed that BMW sent a cluster for the GT. I have the Sport. So it's back to Germany for a new, and hopefully correct instrument cluster.


Don in KC