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Want to join me MLKday>Piedmont NC ride


NC Piedmont Rider
Hey.. I am doing a ride Monday 1/19 of about 5-6 hr .. Hillsborough, Yanceyville, Cherry Grove, Stokesdale, Walnut Cove, Danbury, Hanging Rock, Rural Hall, back to Yanceyville back to Hillsborough
Drop note if interested. Plan to leave about 9.

A good Carolina winter ride ?


Hope you had a good ride. Since you were rolling around Table Rock, did the snow flurries hold back? Hope the ride didn't have too much black ice situations.

I would have loved the ride but the body and the schedule was not gonna let me go!:violin

Let's go riding on some fun local roads soon! Save some Sunday mornings in March and April for the Biker's Breakfast at Cole Park in Chatham county!:wow
The ride today was great!!!

Since I wasn't meeting anyone I took my time getting out and left with sun shining bright a little after 10 and rode 86 up to Yanceyville and then out of town on west main street. That is a great road down by Farmer lake except the pavement is very coarse gravel over tar with some gravel kicked up from the inside shoulders. Still it was a ride that kept the muscles moving and warm. Once back down south of Yanceyville missed the turn onto Cherry Grove road so went down 62 a little further and cut across to 87 and then picked up 150 to Summerfield and up 220 to 158 over to 65 and Walnut Cove. Made a decision then to head on over to 66 and do the loop around Hanging Rock clockwise as clouds were building from the west. Then heading up 66 up near the park where the road narrows near table rock it did start to snow and rain a little. The ditches were still frozen as well as the water over the rocks in the banks so I rode kinda easy till I was out of it. I had thought about running a loop on 89 and local roads up to Woodville, Asbury and back to Fransico but went ahead and headed back down 89 due to the dark sky north. Once back down to 268, ran up it a ways then down through Moores Springs and the up into the park. No other bikes but there were maybe 15 vehicles there for hiking. Back out of the park and at the hospital headed north on 89 and a little past where 8 goes off to the right took Piney Grove Church Rd. It was on this delightful road with easy sweepers. In one however that I entered, a left at the bottom of a hill thru a holler, I could see a pickup coming into it from the other way so we would meet in the middle. I saw him move to his inside line so I held my line. Then as we meet I saw he had 16 ft lumber diagonal across his bed and while up a little high, was clearly well into my lane. I just kept my head low. Piney Grove Ch Rd runs back into 8 at Lawsonville. So hung a right, and back down 8 towards Danbury. It was then about time to head home so motored back to Stokesdale. Then with only 1.5 hrs of daylight left, headed south down to 40 to be home before dark and the upcoming snow here. All in all a good day. Part of this ride was to work on changing some routines in riding and so those were worked on all day. It makes a difference but I need more time with those to become more fluid with them.

Round trip was a fairly easy 275 miles.

Thanks guys for asking.
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Sounds like a nice day!

Rev. Willie, what is this breakfast thing yo speak of?
Biker's Breakfast

Rev. Willie, what is this breakfast thing yo speak of?

Well, the Biker's Breakfast is a long-time motorcycle gathering place on Sunday mornings (9-12). It used to be called "Rev.Willie's Sunday Morning Feast of the Immaculate Consumption", but it ended up being called "Biker's Breakfast" or "Michael's" The place we used to meet at was "Michael's", a bar/grill that had lots of parking places and a big coffee pot at Cole Park Shopping Center, on US 15-501, between Chapel Hill and Pittsboro,NC, just inside of Chatham County. A few years ago, we were having over a 100 bikes show up every Sunday, from May to October. Well, Michael's closed up the end of last summer, and we did not have a place to relocate to!:scratch A lot of the regulars kept showing up there and they would get coffee from the coffee hut. We got the Mexican restaurant to open early for a while, but they gave up. Finally, a guy from Mass. has bought and renovated "Michael's" and has opened up at 9 on Sundays. Right now, the menu is coffee and sweet rolls, but a breakfast menu is in the works by the time the "season" starts (First nice Sunday after Daytona). The last day of Daytona 2009 is Sunday, March 8, so 3/15,3/22,or 3/29 are prime dates for the first flood of bikes on the beginning of the season. I think most of the flocks will still ride to "Michael's" and will then find that it is now called "Olive Branch Caffe", with lots more room and better food and coffee:thumb

If some folks have heard that "Michael's" is closed, tell them about the change. I hope we can get this breakfast going like it used to. In its time, it was a motorcycle show, market, and used-bike shop. The one standing rule was that everybody parks together and enjoy the brotherhood of bikes. (and it's true, you park all the cruisers beside each other and you cannot tell what brands they are!)

So, come on down US 15-501 to the Chatham and Orange county border and find our breakfast. The fun(chaos) will start in mid-March, but the electrically-warmed riders meet there every Sunday AM. Just ask around the group and somebody will get us together.:wave
cold = electrics?

the electrically-warmed riders meet there every Sunday AM. Just ask around the group and somebody will get us together.:wave

Actually someone from the ADVrider group asked me about this so I forwarded it on.
However, since I ain't using electrics.. . am I supposed to be cold and not riding????? Or is that for when it gets really cold?
Or is that for when it gets really cold?

Cold is relative. If you slept well and dressed right, the cold level is near freezing
If you did not get to bed right and paying for it Sunday AM,
then the cold level could be cruising around 60.

A lot of the winter breakfast crowd are riding BMW's, Wings and Glides.
They either have electrics with the bike or they take layering to new heights.
---I'm a wimp ( I remember when my /5 could run headlights or my
Eclipse electric vest, but not BOTH of them!)
cold and gear

yup.. a lot is physical and mental in the approach to cold. I will not doubt have some electric gear as $$ allows it. With the car out of service for a month I have had to ride some in weather colder than I would have considered. However, I have also discovered that using multiply light weight layers you can really tailor things to a wide range of temps. Some days are 2, so 3.. in the 30s is 4 and below 30 I begin to use a pair of overpants and a vest under the jacket. Some fuzzy booties help the cold feet a lot. In doing that I have be really surprised that temps in 10-15 are not unreasonable. I also know that I don't want to ride for any extended time where I am truly getting cold.

On the ride Monday I was expecting mid 40s when I left but up in Stokes county I realized I was getting colder than I like so I added one light weight layer tops and bottoms and all was fine after that.

So now while my friends look on in amazement I talk about easily riding when it is in the 20s.

It isn't so much about me but what I am learning here about heat management. Now if I could just get the family to buy into this for the house I could same on the propane bill. :)
Riding in Carolina cold....

I will not doubt have some electric gear as $$ allows it. With the car out of service for a month I have had to ride some in weather colder than I would have considered.

So now while my friends look on in amazement I talk about easily riding when it is in the 20s.

I have an old 1-piece snowmobile suit that saved my tail back before my 'stitch. I would be glad to let you use that and I might have some more cold weather stuff. You know, I have really been surprised that the wind shirts (like BMWMOA's) really work well. I keep my MOA windshirt in a stuff bag in my saddlebags. You might find one cheep at Dicks or Wally World.

I was able to fight hypothermia in my early BMW days thanks to the kindness of fellow BMW riders that had spare good stuff that could help!:thumb Get a hold of me and let's get you some better stay-warm gear.
Sounds great. We do need to find a time to meet up and do something like that. I am always eager to see what works for others. It is always good to get basics that work and then start refining things for a better method. This week is full, work tomorrow in Raleigh, then ride to Winston and Statesville for work Thursday, Friday is a full day with meeting wife in Raleigh after work and then not home till about 11 30 that night. Saturday I don't know about yet, nor Sunday afternoon.

Hope you are getting things sorted out with the project
