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Visting the Grand Tetons this summer--need advice on motels/hotels


Well-known member
Big trip coming up this summer for my brother and I. We'll meet in Moab, head north through Rock Springs, then head northwest into the Jackson, Wy. area.

Looking for recommendations, even if we stay across the border in Idaho.

Bets tips from those who've gone before?

While I can't give you any specific recommendations for a certain motel, I do recommend reservations even if just 12-24 hours in advance. We pulled into Jackson Hole in Sept at 6PM and could not find a room. Nor could we find any in nearby towns in Idaho. Even Idaho Falls was full up. We ended up riding all the way to Arco, ID across the Idaho National Laboratory desert in the dark. Don't make our mistake.

Jackson Hole has lots of accommodations, but won't be cheap. West Yellowstone and Cody are also tourist friendly. It all depends on where you want to ride.
Big trip coming up this summer for my brother and I. We'll meet in Moab, head north through Rock Springs, then head northwest into the Jackson, Wy. area.

Looking for recommendations, even if we stay across the border in Idaho.

Bets tips from those who've gone before?


Rock Springs to Jackson is only 180 miles, and the most direct route up 191 is a bit of a slog until north of Daniel. Heading west from Rock Springs (or better yet, NW from Vernal through Manilla) yields accommodations in Little America, Fort Bridger, Kemmerer, Montpelier, Afton and Alpine, including both chain and mom/pop operations. Any of those would be less $$ and easier to get a reservation than Jackson.

Make Reservations!

Hotels/motels in these areas fill up fast.
Riding at night looking for a room is a drag.
Ask us how we know.
Reservations are a must anywhere around the Tetons/Yellowstone area. Last time we wanted a room in West Yellowstone, off-season, the only spot we could find by mid-afternoon was a suite with five queen beds. Wife and I are still active, but that was a bit much for just the two of us.
I've stayed several times on ski trips at The Alpine House, a bed & breakfast in Jackson. Great place and the breakfast is always outstanding. I do think the original owners, who've owned it for many years, recently sold. They were interesting folks...she competed on the Canadian Olympic team and he competed on the U.S. Olympic team. Not surprising, I think their son was the youngest ever to climb and ski from the summit of the Grand Teton.
Listen to what the others have said. We ran across the same problem last summer on the way to the rally in Great Falls. Hotels are hard to come by in the summer if you don’t have reservations in advance. Rooms within a 300 mile radius of Yellowstone/ Grand Teton are pricey too. Camping can be hard also if you haven’t planned ahead. Good luck on your trip.
I have used Hotels.com and HotelTonight's app to get rooms with late notice. But, warnings elsewhere are well taken. The "Holiday Inn Shuffle" isn't much fun.

With Hotels.com, after ten nights stay booked through them, you get a free night. If you travel for work, book your work stays through it and when you're on vacation, you can stay in nice hotels for free or at a serious discount. We did that when we went to Canada a couple years ago and stayed at the Fairmont in Banff for like $200/night, well off rack rates. It was our 35th anniversary, so a nice place was in order.