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Trip planning to NW


Got curvy roads?
I am thinking of planning a trip to Yellowstone & Glacier. I am looking for any input of places to see, roads to ride, must see places. Anything up in the NW part of the country. Should I head into Washington, Canada also? Please give my your suggestions or thoughts. I am just back from my tour of the SE, smoke fog included which sucked. When is the best time to visit this area?

WJ :type

You are probably coming up on prime time for visiting the NW. We had a very late summer here this year.

Key question is how much time do you have? In addition to Yellowstone and Glacier NP (both highly visit-worthy, IMHO) I suggest you consider the Beartooth Hwy (US 212), US 12 over Lolo Pass and along the Lochsa and Clearwater Rivers in ID. If you go further west, US 12 through the SE WA wine country and WA 14 (gets you the scenery but off the I084 slab) along the Columbia River. Further north, WA 20 will give you a nice ride through North Cascades NP and across northern WA. Lots more also...

Feel free to PM me if I can help more. Enjoy the visit!

Marty in Spokane Valley, WA
If you go into Canada you might want to check out
1. Jasper/Banff area
2. Balfour - Toad Rock Campground - but check out their website first (time to time they sponsor some big events which I tend to avoid-).
3. Vancouver Island.

In Washington.
1. San Juan Islands
2. Olympic Peninsula
3. Columbia River Gorge
4. North Cascades
5. Chelan- if you have time take the ferry or floatplane to Stehekin.
6. You can cross the State on SR20

1. The Coast but it will be crowded and Hwy 101 will be slow and busy. But very pretty
2. Crater Lake
3. Rogue River area
4. NE Oregon - Enterprise and Joseph (Hwy 3 OR/ Hwy 129 WA)
5. Backroad between Sumpter OR and Ukiah OR

Lots to see-How much time do you have? Also Idaho has lots to see. Some nice backways from Yellowstone to Washington State or Oregon.

Enjoy your trip out west.

Backroad ADV

PS if you find yourself near Ellensburg, WA. PM me. If I'm around you can camp in my yard or I lead you to a nice wilderness camp if your interested. Change oil etc………………

Best time to visit if you can - September after Labor Day. Generally, the Fall season in the NW are very nice. Higher elevations can get cold.