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Transmission removal



How hard is it to remove the transmission from a 1994 R1100RS? Do I need any special tools? Jim
Well, it's a real PITA. For special tools, you'll need a 12mm Allen wrench and a 30 mm socket, both to remove the Paralever pivot bolts. Plus a heat source - like a good heat gun - to loosen the loctite on those bolts.

I had to pull the trans from my '94 R1100RS soon after buying it. You can follow my saga here. I made things even more difficult by removing the whole rear subframe. You're much better off to remove the bolts, loosen the nuts on the threaded rod that goes all the way thru the engine block, and tilt the subframe up on that.
I have a 2004 R1150RT and am abt to do the same work on my bike to lube the transmission input splines. If ur dealer will let u look and hopfully copy the procedure they give step by step instructions with pictures on how to do the work.

The dealer will remove the transmission, swing arm, rear drive, and rear wheel as one unit. Still not an easy job and requires 2 people when removing and installing the rear assembly. FROM what I've been told the rear assembly is not heavy just too awkward for one person to handle.
transmission removal

Here's another thread for you:


I see you also posted at the Bikers Oracle RS Forum, and if you do a search there under "transmission removal" you'll pull up lots of stuff. You can also do an advanced search here and narrow it down to the oiler section.

I know there's a thread out there with a series of pictures on the pivoting rear sub frame method. You'll want to find it before you dive in.

Good luck.

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Go for it. Its not hard, just a lot of small easy steps.