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throttle body balance 2000 R1100RT


I recently replaced the HES on my bike and believe I got the timing correct thanks to members on this forum. I then proceeded to adjust the valves and am now in the process of syncing the throttle bodies. I have done this procedure a couple of times previously using a homemade manometer but this time I am having problems . I have the left side adjuster turned all the way in and the right side adjuster all the way out and the fluid in the manometer is still substantially higher on the left side, which I assume means the left side is pulling more vacuum. This situation is present throughout the rpm range. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Vacuum is higher at idle than it is at higher rpm. This seems counterintuitive, when the sync gauge shows higher on the left, the first reaction is to lower the rpm on the left. The opposite is correct. Start by opening both air bypass screws the same amount. You also have to separate the balance process into two parts. You balance the idle by adjusting the big brass screws. Then you adjust balance above idle by adjusting the throttle cables. In both cases, you MUST have some free play in the throttle cables or the cable will be holding the throttle open at idle and adjusting the big brass screws won’t work.
Also, make sure the throttle bodies aren't worn, the butterfly. I had trouble until I rebuilt the throttle body on the right side and it was much easier.
Also, make sure the throttle bodies aren't worn, the butterfly. I had trouble until I rebuilt the throttle body on the right side and it was much easier.
You will know to buy a Dan Cata (Beemerboneyard.com) rebuild kit if: the butterfly is making a ticking/hammering sound and can be felt by touching the body and throttle cable wheel thing? and you can hear and feel it. $100+