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TheRVers TV show returns Saturday April 1st, 2023

omega man

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat
Staff member
This is a pretty good show focused on all aspects of the RV experience. It’s been on a few years between The Discovery Channel and PBS programming.


If you enjoy RVing, chances are you will enjoy the content.


I recorded season 2 and just now set the DVR to record Season 4.
I'll try to remember to record season 5 when it starts in May.
I'm an RV'er and check out all these shows. This one is mostly one long commercial. Too much product promotion...IMO.
I'm an RV'er and check out all these shows. This one is mostly one long commercial. Too much product promotion...IMO.

It's about half commercials but I still like it to get ideas on places to visit. I record most shows so I can zip past the commercials.
I'm an RV'er and check out all these shows. This one is mostly one long commercial. Too much product promotion...IMO.

Yeah, it’s nice to see the new products and how the hosts work their way through DIY repairs like replacing an air conditioner, adding solar or upgrades to a converter.
The new season has started. 8:30 eastern on the Destination America channel.
