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starter won't engage


New member
my 2007 R1200RT PL suddenly will not turn over. I have power, lights etc, this bike has two batteries both of which are charged, I have checked the starter relay, I have used a diagnostic tool to run a check on the system and no errors come up. The bike was fine. Rode it one day and went to start it the next and the engine won't turn over. Any ideas?
If you exhaust the simple options then hook the diagnostic tool up again and read the positions of the sidestand and clutch to see if the starter interlocks are kicking in when they shouldn't.
Usually, when I have that problem, it's a basic operator error. First item to check is that the kill switch is centered. Then roll the bike a bit to verify the gearbox is in neutral and the display indicates "N".

If the problem only occurs while starting in gear, you might want to look for clues in a similar thread here:https://forums.bmwmoa.org/showthread.php?89066-BMW-RT-1200-R-wont-start-in-gear-clutch-microswitch-problem&p=1089185&viewfull=1#post1089185

Thanks Larry, I have tried to start with bike in gear/clutch pulled in, in neutral with clutch lever in & out, side stand up & down. didn't matter. Also, kill switch is in run position.
If you exhaust the simple options then hook the diagnostic tool up again and read the positions of the sidestand and clutch to see if the starter interlocks are kicking in when they shouldn't.

I'm new to the diagnostic procedure and using my buddy's device/laptop. He is also inexperienced but we thought that when there were no errors that was the end of story. So it is possible to somehow be more specific? I'm guessing that the software will have a setting of some sort to check these switches. Would you please head me in the right direction to get the software to do this. I often get lost trying to navigate these new fangled machines.
Remove the starter solenoid trigger wire and connect a test light from there to a ground. If that lights when the starter button is pressed then you need to test the starter. Put the bike in neutral, then jumper from the spade terminal to the positive battery terminal. That should crank the starter. I have seen two failed solenoids on 2005 and 06 hex heads in the last few years.
smaller hammer

OK guys. Thanks to all of you for your input and suggestions. We did learn how to isolate the diagnostic tool to specific switches which is great information for the future. However, after all of the switches and such showed to be OK (thankfully I hadn't started any disassembly at this point ) I selected my very favorite small 1/2 handled, oil & grime encrusted ball peen hammer and a long enough metal bar and carefully placed one end the bar firmly against the starter and tapped the protruding end a few times with the hammer and guess what. Yep, it started right up and have had no further issues. Back to basics eh....