Mr. Jim Gillian posted this news on the MOA Feed. It’ll get more visibility here in the southern news thread.
Hope some of you can find the time to attend. Join the fun @ BMW of Ft Lauderdale: Oct 21st; 10 - 3pm.
>> https://www.bmwmotorcyclesftlauderdale.com/event/bmw-motorrad-100th-anniversary-celebration/ <<
Sláinte! HSV-Phil & HSV-Karen

Hope some of you can find the time to attend. Join the fun @ BMW of Ft Lauderdale: Oct 21st; 10 - 3pm.

>> https://www.bmwmotorcyclesftlauderdale.com/event/bmw-motorrad-100th-anniversary-celebration/ <<
Sláinte! HSV-Phil & HSV-Karen