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Source for mirror glass - R11XXRT


aka Papa Yams
A friend of mine has a 2001 R1100RT and the glass in both rearview mirrors is cracked. He was told that they're around $65 EACH (Just for the glass!!) so I'm wondering if there's a source for those OTHER THAN buying an entire assembly from BeemerBoneyard or similar establishment.

Anyone got any ideas? THANKS FOR THE HELP!!
The first place I would look is Advance Auto or the similar for some quick fix paste on mirrors. It will work until a permanent replacement is made.

Then find a professional glass and mirror cutter. They will custom cut a mirror for a lot less than the traditional Roundel sources. Just drive the bike up to the store and they will generally come right out and give you a quote.
Send me a pattern and I'll cut 'em for ya.


pm me if interested.

I'd get a set of Multivex mirrors which stick right on over the originals and work way better. I love mine.
Those are the folks. The mirrors are flat straight back and curved to the sides to cover the blind spots. They really work as advertised. The design is particularly suited to mirrors which are wider than tall like those on the older RTs and the ST1300.