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reomve cat convertor


New member
I am considering replacing my 95 R1100R cat convertor with a Y pipe. Can someone tell me where I can find this part?
remove cat

I know where you're coming from on this one, Mark. There is about 10 mm of clearance between the top of the cat and the bottom of the transmission, so the potential for heat transfer is there. I had my RS's cat removed within weeks of getting my bike, and replaced it with a Remus through pipe, to a Remus can.

The weight factor is often mentioned (the stock system feels like a boat anchor when out) but the cat is below the centre of mass for the bike, so this is probably academic.

There is also the ethical issue of greater atmospheric pollution with the cat out, but these bikes get 5 times better fuel economy than a motor home, and the end products are still CO 2 and water vapour, in any event.

If it wasn't for the oxygen sensor bung which your bike probably has, you could get a good muffler shop to make you up a connector piece. But it's probably easier to just order one.

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What I really want is a better looking, but still quiet, exhaust system for my 95 R1100R. I don't want or need more power or noise; the stock system performs fine, but is butt-ugly. Any suggestions that don't cost $$$.
cat removal


I spoke to my tech about your bike today, and he said there's a portion of muffler in there, so you may end up with more noise if you take it out. He also said there you'll get a resulting fault indication, but I don't know if this goes away when you pull the circuit breaker mentioned above.

But if you don't like the result, I have an as new stock system in my garage which you can have for low dollars.:D

Thanks Rinty, but I'll keep looking for something to replace the entire exhaust system. Until then, I'll keep the stock system in place. The left side system case hides a lot from sight.