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R1250 GSA Adaptive Headlight Woes - or - Why My Extended Warranty was a Good Idea


'21 R1250 GS Adv
I was cleaning my Headlight protector in Kentucky last week and when I went to reinstall it I noticed something quite concerning on the inside of the Adaptive headlight Lens.


The movable element inside was rubbing on the inside of the lens.

I immediately took the picture and forwarded it to my dealer, Sturgis BMW, as we were on our way home.
Brandon at Sturgis BMW took the bull by the horns and immediately ordered a replacement adaptive headlight.
Once he had an estimated delivery he emailed me a proposed repair date - today - which fit my schedule to a "T".

I dropped the bike off this morning and they called me at noon to tell me it was ready.

My BMW Extended Warranty cost me $1,000 (slightly discounted when I purchased the bike in January 2022.)

Brandon told me the Adaptive Headlight Assembly is $3,000. You do the math!
Agreed. I have manufacturer extended warranty plans on my '18 Alfa Romeo Giulia ti Q4, '20 R1250 RS and '23 GMC Canyon AT4. Money well spent IMHO. The Alfa and BMW plans have more than paid for themselves. Haven't needed it on the GMC (so new it's not had any issues) and still under regular factory warranty.
I was cleaning my Headlight protector in Kentucky last week and when I went to reinstall it I noticed something quite concerning on the inside of the Adaptive headlight Lens.


The movable element inside was rubbing on the inside of the lens.

I immediately took the picture and forwarded it to my dealer, Sturgis BMW, as we were on our way home.
Brandon at Sturgis BMW took the bull by the horns and immediately ordered a replacement adaptive headlight.
Once he had an estimated delivery he emailed me a proposed repair date - today - which fit my schedule to a "T".

I dropped the bike off this morning and they called me at noon to tell me it was ready.

My BMW Extended Warranty cost me $1,000 (slightly discounted when I purchased the bike in January 2022.)

Brandon told me the Adaptive Headlight Assembly is $3,000. You do the mat
I don't know your mileage but the bikes warranty would of covered this 3 years/36,000 miles.
Argh! $3k for a headlight is just nuts, but the manufacturer comes out OK regardless of who has to pay for it. I’m old enough to remember when many motorcycles were designed to use the same 7” sealed beam fitted on cars of the era. You could get replacements anywhere, and still can, for about $20.

Ah, progress …
Argh! $3k for a headlight is just nuts, but the manufacturer comes out OK regardless of who has to pay for it. I’m old enough to remember when many motorcycles were designed to use the same 7” sealed beam fitted on cars of the era. You could get replacements anywhere, and still can, for about $20.

Ah, progress …
This headlight assembly, other than supplying light, has little comparison to motorcycle headlights of the past-

These headlight assemblies are expensive and another reason collision insurance is continuing to become more expensive. I do hear that providing a “constantly aimed” leads to better all around sighting and visibility, this function relies on computer interface which is probably another expensive part if it needs repair.

With all the new gadgets on new vehicles, both cars and motorcycles, IMO- a manufacturer backed/issued extended warranty is a must.

This headlight assembly, other than supplying light, has little comparison to motorcycle headlights of the past-

These headlight assemblies are expensive and another reason collision insurance is continuing to become more expensive. I do hear that providing a “constantly aimed” leads to better all around sighting and visibility, this function relies on computer interface which is probably another expensive part if it needs repair.

With all the new gadgets on new vehicles, both cars and motorcycles, IMO- a manufacturer backed/issued extended warranty is a must.

I still say $3k for a headlight is just madness, but I suppose “caveat emptor” is the guiding principle here.