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Post your one day ride photo.....

With a mid 60 degree day in ND during the month of December, you have to ride. Since the GSA is put up for the winter, the DR got a little exercise taking in a 170 mile jaunt through our badlands. Days like this make the winter a little more tolerable. I'm feeling refreshed.

Last day of fall in Montana. Unusually warm and snow free. We’ve been getting out for local rides a few times a week.

East side of Canyon Ferry Reservoir……

Annie and I took a day ride down to Ennis, MT today. Temperatures were in the 70s and it was a beautiful day in Big Sky country. Ennis is on the Madison River about 125 miles from our place; it is a fly fisherman’s paradise. This picture was taken near the headwaters of the Missouri River at Three Forks. The snow capped Tabacco Root Mountains beckon us to the SW. Annie is bonding with her new LBS-USA rig in preparation for our planned three week trip in NORCAL, OR, SD and points between. The bonding is going well.

My old stomping grounds.
Then you know how windy it can get through there... I was going to head to the "sunny side" west of 101, but the tunnel was slow opening up (I got the timing wrong) and the gusts were really hard to handle after over 300 miles and full luggage, so I bugged out and went over to the base side to get a pic.