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Post photos of your vintage (pre-1970) BMW motorcycle


BMW MOA co-founder
1954 R68

<img border=1 width=750 src=http://bmwdean.com/r68-792.jpg>

1954 R51/3

<img border=1 width=750 src=http://bmwdean.com/ts-r51.jpg>

1955 R67/3

<img border=1 width=750 src=http://bmwdean.com/r67-792.jpg>

1967 R69S

<img border=1 src=http://bmwdean.com/r69s-left.jpg>

1967 R60/2

<img border=1 src=http://bmwdean.com/scarlett-right-750.jpg>

1967 R60/2

<img border=1 width=750 src=http://bmwdean.com/iowa-tucson.jpg>

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:D :D :D

1967 R60
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66 R60


The fleet



66 R69S

<a href="http://s83.photobucket.com/albums/j290/b14ny/mcy/?action=view&current=sj.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j290/b14ny/mcy/sj.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
My other "airhead"
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My baby

Love this old girl... runs like a champ, has had great care over the years... original paint on the fenders and tank, some "touching up" and repaint of frame, etc etc. All in all, a real keeper!

Bob Peckham
Vero Beach FL
1966 R50/2
Finally loaded the ole girl

This is my 1966 R50/2.....glamour shot!


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    Good overall spot leathers.JPG
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Here's my '66. Almost finished with a basic resto. Needs fine tuning. Awful hard to get those carbs balanced, even with my $4 carb balancer tool!


  • R50slash2 042a.jpg
    R50slash2 042a.jpg
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I visited the Sinsheim (Germany) Technical Museum last week and, among all the planes, trains, cars and bikes, I found this...


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Here's my '66. Almost finished with a basic resto. Needs fine tuning. Awful hard to get those carbs balanced, even with my $4 carb balancer tool!

How are you able to use the $4 tool on those early carbs? You must have a vacuum takeoff port specially machined into them. My /2 carbs don't have any such port...I've seen pictures of carbs with this done, but I'm not too sure I want to mess with original equipment.
How are you able to use the $4 tool on those early carbs? You must have a vacuum takeoff port specially machined into them. My /2 carbs don't have any such port...I've seen pictures of carbs with this done, but I'm not too sure I want to mess with original equipment.

I bought a pair of special carb to head gaskets that had ports glued into them by the guy making and selling them. I think it was on EBay but not sure. They work but the suction on both sides agitates the oil in the gauge tubes so much that readings are almost impossible. Maybe I should use heavier oil in the gauge tubes?
I bought a pair of special carb to head gaskets that had ports glued into them by the guy making and selling them. I think it was on EBay but not sure. They work but the suction on both sides agitates the oil in the gauge tubes so much that readings are almost impossible. Maybe I should use heavier oil in the gauge tubes?

Interesting... I've heard people mention the bouncing of the liquid...I believe some kind of snubber or restriction in the lines is needed to reduce the pulsing. I have an electronic balancing unit, the TwinMax. It's a differential measurement system and shows when the two sides are not equal or a deviation from 0.
Interesting... I've heard people mention the bouncing of the liquid...I believe some kind of snubber or restriction in the lines is needed to reduce the pulsing. I have an electronic balancing unit, the TwinMax. It's a differential measurement system and shows when the two sides are not equal or a deviation from 0.

Yeah, I'm thinking of a bolt shank with a small hole drilled thru it that's just the right size to slide up inside the hose on each side. This should restrict pulses but still let the gauge work. I'll let you know....
Put an adjustable needle valve in the hose close to the carb. As you close down the valve, it will allow less of the pressure pulse into the end of the tube containing the oil. There's a trade-off between having small pulsations and quick response to manifold vacuum changes.
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Nice, Marc :)

Please, folks, post <b>more photos!</b>

<a href=http://bmwdean.com/r69s.htm><img border=2 width=792 src=http://bmwdean.com/r69s-right-side.jpg></a>

Click on the above photo to go to my R69S web page.

My eyes became pixelated and fingers numb after clearing out the background of this R51/3 photo:

<a href=http://bmwdean.com/r51.htm><img border=2 src=http://bmwdean.com/r51.jpg></a>

Click on the above photo to go to my R51/3 web page.

I worked on this photo off and on for three days. Almost half of that was the front wheel!

Here it is before:


  • r51-3-before.jpg
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I'm impressed with the photo work. I tried to get rid of the background on an older pic of mine, once, but gave up when it came to the wheels. It was just too much work for the result I was after. I see you removed the center stand, too.

// marc
A friend cleaned this up for me. He is much more adept at this.

1954 R68:

<a href=http://bmwdean.com/r68.htm><img border=2 src=http://bmwdean.com/r68-800.jpg></a>

Click on above photo to go to relevant web pages.
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