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Pin Stripe Questions - 1974 R90/6

The ‘74 models had solid disc brake rotors.
Except the R60/6 which had a drum front brake. In the ‘75 model year the kick start became an option for civilian models. BMW was in a never ending upgrade which usually happened at the change in model year. Yes, the /6 kick start is weak to actually start the bike. Probably easier for the smaller displacement 600. The ‘74 trannies are weak due to the shift dogs being cast forged, then not being machined fitted.
The 600cc bike had pretty high compression, so it might have been harder to push with the kickstarter!! That said, my R69S is spec'd with a higher compression ratio and it doesn't kick back on me...just have to know how to treat it!
The 600cc bike had pretty high compression, so it might have been harder to push with the kickstarter!! That said, my R69S is spec'd with a higher compression ratio and it doesn't kick back on me...just have to know how to treat it!
Gotta slowly kick it over until you find TDC and then you're good to go.