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"Piezo Lighter Zap Fix" for faulty fuel strip on 2009 R1200RT


I'm curious about the success rate for using a modified piezo lighter to zap a malfunctioning fuel strip. My (third) fuel strip hasn't completely failed yet, but sometimes (often) it "goes out" and I get the yellow caution triangle light along with the empty fuel level indicator. Some ingenious guy on the Adventure Touring Forum posted how to take a cheap piezo charcoal lighter and convert it to a "fuel strip zapper" to fix a fuel strip that may have a break in the filament that runs the length of the fuel strip. (Or at least that is how I understand the theory of how it works.) I've constructed my "piezo zapper" according to the instructions, but before I use it, I'd like to get some feedback from those who may have tried it and whether it worked. TIA
Its worked for some (only applies to some kinds of failures anyway), not for others and some say it only worked temporarily.
I haven't had to try it, yet, but have one handy to try if I do.
You've got nothing to lose by trying.
Tom - hopefully your 3rd strip is still under the parts/labor warranty (2 years from date of installation.) In that case I'd take it back to BMW for a replacement. According to my friendly local dealers service manager - the ones they've installed since sometime this past spring haven't been failing. They claimed not a one installed since then came back.. I'm hoping that's true since I'm on strip #7 or something like that, and replacement becomes tiresome after a while (they've all be under warranty - but it still takes a day of my time to get it done.)
You've been contending for the record at the same time the original in my 08RT keeps working with no issues. Got to be something besides luck of the draw I suspect, but what?
I never run my tank extremely low and put it away full if its going to sit for more than a couple days but no idea if any of that makes a difference.

But mine killed an fpc to make up for the strip working..