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Paint info 1978 R 100S


New member
I'm planning to repaint my 78 R 100S this winter in the original Smoke Red color scheme. I've done a great deal of research to determine the appropriate paint to buy. I contacted Holt and they want over $ 1,000 for the paint, reducer, clear coat, etc. That's a little more than I want to spend, but I have been unable to cross reference paint colors to a more affordable alternative. Does anyone have any info on less expensive paints? Also, in what sequence is the paint laid down?

I also want to restore my R90S in Daytona Orange. Same info needed for it as well.
Holt is certainly the best...I'm sure there are people who can do quite well.

In your research, have you seen Snowbum's page:


Interesting point he makes...the "smoke" in the Red Smoke color scheme is actually a blue paint. Not being a painter, I have no idea how this process works for a fade-in of another color.

Snowbum mentions Color-Rite as a good place to try and find substitute paints. There will be some Airhead owners that will chime in who have painting experience...they might be able to set you on a course that works.
Paint costs

You can probably get Earl Scheib or Maaco to paint your parts for less but you won't be happy with the results!
On the other hand, getting the job done by Holt will result in total satisfaction and you'll have a product that you can be proud of. He uses "factory correct" color and brand paint, been doing it for years and is nationally noted.
Biting the bullet

Holt is certainly the best...I'm sure there are people who can do quite well.

In your research, have you seen Snowbum's page:


Interesting point he makes...the "smoke" in the Red Smoke color scheme is actually a blue paint. Not being a painter, I have no idea how this process works for a fade-in of another color.

Snowbum mentions Color-Rite as a good place to try and find substitute paints. There will be some Airhead owners that will chime in who have painting experience...they might be able to set you on a course that works.

After doing quite a bit or research I've decided to buy my paint from Holt. Spoke with Ed Werk who is a retired bike painter and he said that Holt mixes his own paints and will give an exact color match to the original smoke red. My painter has been painting bikes for 30 years and also does hand pinstriping. He has also offered to paint the frame and snowflake wheels as well. So the project has expanded considerably. The nicest part is that he's going to do the work at no charge. Good time to go over the engine and drive train.
Sounds like a good combination...the right paint in the hands of someone you trust. Should work out fine! :thumb
Holt is certainly the best...I'm sure there are people who can do quite well.

In your research, have you seen Snowbum's page:


Interesting point he makes...the "smoke" in the Red Smoke color scheme is actually a blue paint. Not being a painter, I have no idea how this process works for a fade-in of another color.

Snowbum mentions Color-Rite as a good place to try and find substitute paints. There will be some Airhead owners that will chime in who have painting experience...they might be able to set you on a course that works.
Any idea what blue paint is used with the smoke red to get the correct fade? The color code # wold be helpful if anyone has it.
Holt is certainly the best...I'm sure there are people who can do quite well.

In your research, have you seen Snowbum's page:


Interesting point he makes...the "smoke" in the Red Smoke color scheme is actually a blue paint. Not being a painter, I have no idea how this process works for a fade-in of another color.

Snowbum mentions Color-Rite as a good place to try and find substitute paints. There will be some Airhead owners that will chime in who have painting experience...they might be able to set you on a course that works.
Does anybody know what blue paint is used in the smoke fade in with the Red Smoke color scheme?
Biting the bullet

After doing quite a bit or research I've decided to buy my paint from Holt. Spoke with Ed Werk who is a retired bike painter and he said that Holt mixes his own paints and will give an exact color match to the original smoke red. My painter has been painting bikes for 30 years and also does hand pinstriping. He has also offered to paint the frame and snowflake wheels as well. So the project has expanded considerably. The nicest part is that he's going to do the work at no charge. Good time to go over the engine and drive train.
What paint did they sell you to match the darker smoke shade? Is it a blue overspray or a completely different color?