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No Capitalization???


Somehow in the course of the changeover to ZenForo the capitalization on my username was changed, from GTRider to gtrider. I submitted a request to have it changed back to the way it was, and later received a notice that my request was denied on the grounds that “capitalization is not allowed in the new software”.

And yet, I see in the forum numerous examples of usernames that have various letters capitalized—including usernames of some of the mods. If capitalization is truly not possible under the new software, I shouldn’t be seeing examples of it. So, is it or is it not possible, or is this just a request deemed not worthy of further attention or handing off to the sysadmins? It is also not clear why/how it was changed in the upgrade…

Somehow in the course of the changeover to ZenForo the capitalization on my username was changed, from GTRider to gtrider. I submitted a request to have it changed back to the way it was, and later received a notice that my request was denied on the grounds that “capitalization is not allowed in the new software”.

And yet, I see in the forum numerous examples of usernames that have various letters capitalized—including usernames of some of the mods. If capitalization is truly not possible under the new software, I shouldn’t be seeing examples of it. So, is it or is it not possible, or is this just a request deemed not worthy of further attention or handing off to the sysadmins? It is also not clear why/how it was changed in the upgrade…

It’s not a plot to deny you the capitalization you desire. Xenforo on its own works fine with retaining capitals through a logout/login or change to a members profile. It is the integration of the membership aspect of the MOA/Xenforo program that seems to dump the capitols.
This is the way I have been trying to explain it to members when I see the capitalization request-

This has been kinda a PITA with the change to Xenforo. It seems that the Membership credentials software that is/was integrated into Xenforo doesn't recognize capitals. This happen to me and while it has been "fudged" back to my username having capitols, a profile change will erase capitalization.
So we are kinda stuck on this issue. Sorry I can't be more help.

And yet, I see in the forum numerous examples of usernames that have various letters capitalized
I noticed mine changed sometime after I had logged out and logged back in.
Maybe the others will also change if they need to log out?
I noticed mine changed sometime after I had logged out and logged back in.
Maybe the others will also change if they need to log out?
Yes Lee, I think I had a conversation with you about this. It seems that a log out- or in, changing profiles or anything that “bumps” the membership part of the software integration might cause the change eliminating the capitalization.
On a member’s profile there is a “clock like” icon with a circular arrow that shows what the members previous user name was, even if it’s just the loss of capitals.
Some members have all capitals, triggered by a vB upgrade years back. I wonder what that will look like when the membership software has a look at their change or update.
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I had the same thing happen and remember that I had a waiting period of one month before I could change is back.

Wait a minute!!! I just noticed that I don't have any username under my picture as I'm responding.

I would say that capitalization is pretty important to differentiate between various members usernames. And of course there's that whole issue of grammar that no-one seems to want to teach kids these days.
Hmmm..not a big deal, but my name in the Vincent.org Xenforo forums is capitalized.

Same with me on a couple of other Xenforo forums. But the issue, as explained, is the member management system being used with our website/forum which doesn't play well with capital letters.
Hmmm..not a big deal, but my name in the Vincent.org Xenforo forums is capitalized.
Not all of the Xenforo forums are setup the same. Except for the no Caps for the username, this forum has the best setup of the other Xenforo forums I use.
If given the choice of Caps in usernames or Copy and Paste for pictures, I'll pick Copy and Paste.
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Same with me on a couple of other Xenforo forums. But the issue, as explained, is the member management system being used with our website/forum which doesn't play well with capital letters.
…Which would kinda indicate that it’s time to light a fire under the developer and fix the issue, which I’d almost guarantee springs from developer preference rather than any limitation of the underlying OS or database program.

A login/logout is probably what did it. Bummer.

You're still Omega Man...

Yeah, I think I was the first to notice the “problem”. As I researched the problem, I was able to figure out what was causing it.
The Moderators are constantly trying to figure out what is going on within the forum. The next time I change my profile, it will revert my username to all lower case.
We have members that have all capitals, which happened during a vB upgrade sometime back. I’m curious what will happen when they make a change…….to something. :scratch

Nor can you change your username to your member#:

“Your username change to 52184 has been rejected. Reason: Nothing has changed with the system, it doesn't support capitals.”

Tho I note some here have been using a member number for their username and continue to do so. Which begs the question of what happens when they logout and back in??? And while “The artist formerly known as Prince” has passed on, it would appear he’d have been out of luck with his desired username as well. 🤔

Ours is the only XenForo-based forum where I’ve encountered this. Checking the XenForo Administrator’s Manual reveals no such limitations inherent in XenForo, so the issue most likely traces back to the preferences of whomever is managing the underlying database and OS. So, just accept that you’re caught somewhere between this and that. 😉:)

Nor can you change your username to your member#:

“Your username change to 52184 has been rejected. Reason: Nothing has changed with the system, it doesn't support capitals.”

Tho I note some here have been using a member number for their username and continue to do so. Which begs the question of what happens when they logout and back in??? And while “The artist formerly known as Prince” has passed on, it would appear he’d have been out of luck with his desired username as well. 🤔

Ours is the only XenForo-based forum where I’ve encountered this. Checking the XenForo Administrator’s Manual reveals no such limitations inherent in XenForo, so the issue most likely traces back to the preferences of whomever is managing the underlying database and OS. So, just accept that you’re caught somewhere between this and that. 😉:)

Once again-
This has to do with the membership software integrated with Xenforo!
Have you ever belonged to a forum running Xenforo that had a (paid) membership integrated with it? Paying to avoid ads or supporting doesn’t count.
The MOA is a club that has membership and membership credentials and benefits. One of the (many) benefits is being able to post on the forum. The membership software checks to see if you are a member.
A forum like ADV (Xenforo) doesn’t have a membership integration program associated with it past checking that you have registered.
Perusing the Xenforo manual will not mention anything about what may change once a membership program has been integrated.
Nor can you change your username to your member#:

“Your username change to 52184 has been rejected. Reason: Nothing has changed with the system, it doesn't support capitals.”

DeVern -

I might have missed the details of your intended username change...you've hit us with a handful so just seemed like more of the same. The way to change your username is through your Profile panel on the MOA main page. My username has always been my MOA number...don't see why you couldn't change yours as well. But that has to be done on the main membership panel at the MOA...then it should move across both platforms.
DeVern -

I might have missed the details of your intended username change...you've hit us with a handful so just seemed like more of the same. The way to change your username is through your Profile panel on the MOA main page. My username has always been my MOA number...don't see why you couldn't change yours as well. But that has to be done on the main membership panel at the MOA...then it should move across both platforms.
Thank you Kurt, that is useful information and I’ve used it to change my username by logging out of everything, logging in to the BMWMOA main site and effecting the change, then logging in to the forum page. I did not test what happens should an international or other member want a nom de plume incorporating an umlaut or other diacritical mark, as I see I’m in the penalty box for a month—holding my stick and staring through the glass until I can re-enter the rink for more field testing… ;):)
