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New Member in Texas


New member
Hello, from the South-West side of Fort Worth Texas!

Everyone calls me Ski or Dave Ski, and No that’s not my real last name. You couldn’t pronounce it anyway - trust me this is easier! I’m starting a new chapter in life having retired recently and now I have a lot of spare time for riding and traveling and such.

It’s nice to meet a bunch of people with similar interests.

I started riding when I was 9 after rebuilding a 1964 Honda 305 scrambler basket case. That build started a long road of buying junk bikes (sometimes more than one of the same model), selling the leftover parts and the running motorcycle, then repeating the whole process. 32 rebuilds later I bought my first New bike, a 1980 KZ1300! After I discovered what an Orphan the Big Six turned into, I had to get another junk one to have enough spare parts to keep One of them running, so there I was back to my old habits...
That was followed by a couple dirt bikes and crotch rockets, and a Goldwing in 2007. Various Harley’s came and went and the ‘Wing finally left the garage earlier last year. The need for speed was strong so a new GSXR1300 slid into the garage alongside a Road King Peace Officer Special. Life was good!
Then I bought a 2004 R1150GS and a 2000 R1150GS, just to see what the fuss was about Adventure Bikes. Got good deals on them so I fixed them up and started riding them.
OK, I got hooked! Traded the 2004 GS and the GSXR1300 for a 2016 R1200GSA to park alongside the Harley. Life is Good AGAIN!

My career in Nuclear Power ended when I turned 59-1/2 last year, and here I am! Ready to get bugs in my teeth and wind in my hair (if I had any).
I have other hobbies that keep me busy but riding has always been on top of the list. Now I have time to do it right.

Thanks for listening
Welcome Dave! You will enjoy life on the forum, I believe. My story is similar, but different, from yours. I rode early in life through high school, but quit when I went to university, graduated, got married, and went off to see the world on behalf of the US Army. Wife and I raised two kids and when empty-nest time arrived, I went back to riding motorcycles. My only hobbies now are community volunteering, riding my bike, and whatever my wife tells me to do. Not in that order.

I lived in central Texas (Fort Hood area, of course) for a few years and I was raised in Oklahoma. While I don't ride off-road, and ADV bikes are too tall for me to feel comfortable, I have ridden in all the lower 48 at least three times and on at least three different bikes. My current ride is the only BMW I have ever owned and it is a good one. At age of 74, I am definitely slowing down and taking shorter trips these days. Maybe we might meet somewhere down the road.

Good luck.
I am with you on the bugs in teeth part. No nothing about nukes. Welcome to my neighborhood. I live near Brownwood. Not to far from Ft.Worth Hope to meet someday.
Welcome Dave! I haven't been to Texas on the bike but I did travel to what was likely a power plant you're familiar with a little southwest of DFW.
I'm also retired from the nuke business. Look forward to meeting you sometime!
Hallo Ski from the Road to Redmond!

Perhaps you'll show up in Oregon (next week), or maybe we can certainly recommend the fairgrounds in Lebanon, TN in 2025 for a National BMW Rally if U have more time on your hands! My only nuclear experience was working in the basement of SAC HQs where we war-planned scenarios. Mrs-HSV taught physics to young nuclear Naval recruits at NS Orlando back in the 80's.

Get out and enjoy your newest Motorrad acquisitions - tis always good to see what exists beyond Texas. It was a long winter for many members, and now it's gonna be a very Hot summer! Keep the shiny side Up. :nod

Happy Trails whenever U can on your splendid BMWs!
HSV-Phil --- & --- HSV-Karen [Alabama Airmarshal of CC-214]
USAF-Ret'd — & — USN-Ret’d
'75 R90S ——-—— '82 R100CS
'14 K16GT ———— '16 R1200RS
’09 KLX250S ——— ’88 R100RT
’05 Vespa 200L -—-- ’11 Vespa GTS 300
President of MOA CC-05: mailto:president@bmwmoal.org